I'm taking hydromorphone for a tumor in my L5 bone.
Has anyone here taken/ing it ?
The strange thing to me is how the dosing has been prescribed.
Aka "take a guess" what he might need .
I started off on 1mg "fast acting" / 4 hrs as needed about two mths ago, before it had been determined that I actually had the L5 tumor, but it was known that there was cancer in the area of the L5.
Then it was increased to 1x 3mg "long acting" tabs 2x day, with the same 1mg "fast acting" 1mg 4x day.
Now I'm at 3x 3gm "slow" and 1mg "fast" at 4x day (or "more" if I need it).
Last visit to the hosp, the pain-med Dr. said they could increase my 1mg "fast" doses, after seeing IF I had to increase my 1mg "fast doses".
I've asked them, and another pharmacist yesterday, what is the max dose someone can take.
The answer is "it depends on the person", but no "HARD #'s" were given to me.
Using Google or Chatpgtpt LOL .... says 20-30 mg / day is close to the limit.
On my last radiation treatment, my leg was killing me before the treatment, and I could barely hobble down to the hospitatl.
I took it upon myself to take 10mg before I left the house.
Got dizzy as hell (one of the known symptoms of hydro over dose), but made it down and got my radiation.
Next day I have endema in both legs (fluid swelling), that only now ~3 wks later is going away.
Got tested in emerg for the endema, they couldn't find the cause (heart normal ..... everything else normal).
Pharmacist told me yesterday that high doses of hydro would NOT cause the swelling.
What a "fun" year I've just had (prostate TURP, radiaiton for L5 tumor, just started Chemo yesterday),
New leg pain experienced 15 /10 on pain scale yesterrday .
So what better time to be shopping for a bike ?????
:: ))
Has anyone here taken/ing it ?
The strange thing to me is how the dosing has been prescribed.
Aka "take a guess" what he might need .
I started off on 1mg "fast acting" / 4 hrs as needed about two mths ago, before it had been determined that I actually had the L5 tumor, but it was known that there was cancer in the area of the L5.
Then it was increased to 1x 3mg "long acting" tabs 2x day, with the same 1mg "fast acting" 1mg 4x day.
Now I'm at 3x 3gm "slow" and 1mg "fast" at 4x day (or "more" if I need it).
Last visit to the hosp, the pain-med Dr. said they could increase my 1mg "fast" doses, after seeing IF I had to increase my 1mg "fast doses".
I've asked them, and another pharmacist yesterday, what is the max dose someone can take.
The answer is "it depends on the person", but no "HARD #'s" were given to me.
Using Google or Chatpgtpt LOL .... says 20-30 mg / day is close to the limit.
On my last radiation treatment, my leg was killing me before the treatment, and I could barely hobble down to the hospitatl.
I took it upon myself to take 10mg before I left the house.
Got dizzy as hell (one of the known symptoms of hydro over dose), but made it down and got my radiation.
Next day I have endema in both legs (fluid swelling), that only now ~3 wks later is going away.
Got tested in emerg for the endema, they couldn't find the cause (heart normal ..... everything else normal).
Pharmacist told me yesterday that high doses of hydro would NOT cause the swelling.
What a "fun" year I've just had (prostate TURP, radiaiton for L5 tumor, just started Chemo yesterday),
New leg pain experienced 15 /10 on pain scale yesterrday .
So what better time to be shopping for a bike ?????
