Hwy. 507 - "Hookey Ride" - Sunday Nov. 11, 2012 - 8:00 am


Well-known member
I want to take another spin up to the 507

Anyone interested in joining?

Lunch in Haliburton? Then hit Minden and back home on Hwy 35 to the 115 and 401. (Route home is subject to change).

If rain is in the forcast, I will cancel the morning of the ride.

This ride is recommened for experienced riders only. The Canadian Shield is unforgiving.

I don't care if I sweep or lead or anywhere in between, as long as everyone rides safely. No crazy speeds...

Meet up:
Tim Hortons (Hwy 2) just east of Port Union (south side)
7337 Kingston Rd
Toronto ON, (416) 283-9111

8:00 am head out 8:15 am

2nd Meet up:
Tim Hortons
1889 Scugog St
Port Perry ON, (905) 985-9932

Time: 9:45 am head out 10:00 am

- full tank - empty bladder.

Yahoooo....double digits
on Sunday!

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Hey Seabreez, if you want to meet me in Port Perry, I'd love to join you.
I can meet you at Tim's or anywhere you want. We can have a coffee, or I can be geared up and ready to ride when you pass through.
Not a problem, I'll confirm a Port Perry stop shortly... Are you leading from Port Perry? Nudge, nudge, wink wink. Looking forward to riding with you again.
I'll post the meet up Timmies shortly.
Not a problem, I'll confirm a Port Perry stop shortly... Are you leading from Port Perry? Nudge, nudge, wink wink. Looking forward to riding with you again.

Yeah, sure I don't mind.
We'll make an assessment in Port Perry.
Hey - how far up the Buckhorn are you going? I might use Sunday to bring my bike back. I was smoked by a left-turner in May and its been out of commission since. Me too actually! I've got him mostly back together and sitting just outside of Haliburton. Let me know if you are going that far and if so when you think you'll be blowing through. Love to make my only real 2012 ride a group ride!
Hey - how far up the Buckhorn are you going? I might use Sunday to bring my bike back. I was smoked by a left-turner in May and its been out of commission since. Me too actually! I've got him mostly back together and sitting just outside of Haliburton. Let me know if you are going that far and if so when you think you'll be blowing through. Love to make my only real 2012 ride a group ride!

If the group in on track - Haliburton for lunch by about 1:30 ? ? ? - of course we could be late.
Good ride fellas, especially when you consider it's November.
I just had a hot bath. my darling wife has a prime rib in the oven... life is good!

Have a good winter guys, and we'll see you in the spring.
Great ride, good friends and good times...

After a brief meeting at Tim's - discussing hand signals and the basics of safe group riding, Alex and I headed outside into some light drizzle. Aaarrrrgggghhhhh! .....but the sky showed blue and the weatherman promised 16 degrees - So off to the country roads we headed. The pace was relaxed on the wet, hilly back roads. (Sweet Triumph Alex).


We then continued to Port Perry for coffee and to meet up with two more riders. We twisted and turned on some familar roads passing through Caesarea, Omemee, and Buckhorn to find our next rider waiting at the foot of the 507 - making our group 5 strong. There was no gas at the station, so down to Bobcaygeon we headed, for a quick fill and then back to 507.
We rode with extra care on the wet 507 - keeping alert for loss of traction. We did not want to make a head print in the hard rock of the Canadian Shield. We stopped for warm lunch and a chat at the Kosy Korner in Haliburton and then back on the road to continue our journey.


We took some amazingly beautiful twisty roads through hills and lakes to Minden and then homeward on Hwy. 35 south.


At Hwy. 48 Alex and I headed westward toward Beaverton for quick gas stop then we continued south on Hwy. 23 and waved our farewells at Davis Drive.


I continued homeward passing through farm land, the town of Uxbridge - while enjoying a magnificant sun set all the way home.



'Till the next "Hookey Ride"...

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