The armour in the HWK is not very good. A friend ordered the jacket but changed the armourHow much, and what kind of armour comes with the hwk gear? My Klim suit is in the washing machine tonite so i pulled all the D30 out of it.
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FWIW - local to Ontario rider after two years seasonal riding
- my comments are after 18 months of continous use 2-3 times a week 3-6 hours of riding each ride.
Some in Romania. ( the boots ).I was impressed with Rev'its design centre in Netherlands ....some goods are made in Country Of Origin (Made In), Made In United Arab Emirates ; Country Of Design, Designed In Netherlands ; Warranty, One year warranty against manufacturers defects.
I've seen the review on youtube you posted, My pants that i have HWK don't have a waterproof liner in them. It's got mesh only wondering how hot they will be in the summerI wax or put lanolin on my boot zippers.
To a point the base materials are the same. Dupont 500 or 600 denier nylon mesh - a few using 1000
Baja Ventilated Jacket - Field-Tan-Dark-Oak Heavy Mesh 1000 denier Cordura and Wax Cotton Motorcycle Jacket
Baja Ventilated Jacket -Air-Cooled Field-Tan and Dark-Oak Heavy Mesh 1000 denier Cordura and Wax Cotton Hot Weather Motorcycle Jacket with hose-off clean and go maintenance. Built by hand- one at a time- here in our Fall River- Mass
but I am after cool fabric and after going on 60 years of riding with no mishaps on pavement ( lots off pavement ) I'm dressing for comfort and value for money tho I do protect my knees above all else.
And I am NOT of the opinion that you always get what you pay for.
Some in Romania. ( the boots ).
They are a global company with a wide variety of sources and source is no guarantee of quality or lack of either.
HWK is a US based company building a brand based on value for money and sourcing in Pakistan.
The jackets are a winner imnsho, the heavier pants not, the lighter pants yes and easy to up the armor level.
Fit and comfort top notch.
They are direct to consumer ( via Amazon), easy return policy and long warranty which I will put to the test.