Hurricanes look fun.

New industry, Hurrican Tourism... lots of waiver forms to be filled out.....

The big surf, wind, etc.. looks pretty cool, but I would expect those that live there and are at risk of losing their life savings, home, possessions and loved ones have a different opinion. However those that live in high risk areas also have the option to move elsewhere.

Personally I would rather trade snow storms for hurricanes/tripical storms any day
I would like to experience something like that myself. Just to fully understand the power that hurricane brings.

This is equivalent to about 200 times the total electrical generating capacity on the planet! NASA says that "during its life cycle a hurricane can expend as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs!" And we're just talking about average hurricanes here, not Katrina.
I was working in Jacksonville Fla back through the 90's and was on the edge of a couple of hurricanes. Never had to evacuate, but what a pile of water. The day before one of them I was in the ocean off Jacksonville Beach and was almost drowned by the force of the waves. it's a lot more powerful than we get in Lake Ontario. Also remember, "it's not that the wind is blowing, it's what the wind is blowing" that kills you. Comedian Ron White if I remember correctly.
I was working in Jacksonville Fla back through the 90's and was on the edge of a couple of hurricanes. Never had to evacuate, but what a pile of water. The day before one of them I was in the ocean off Jacksonville Beach and was almost drowned by the force of the waves. it's a lot more powerful than we get in Lake Ontario. Also remember, "it's not that the wind is blowing, it's what the wind is blowing" that kills you. Comedian Ron White if I remember correctly.

And wasn't it kinda cool to live through??? :-)
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