Mad Mike
Well-known member
I've been watching with horror the events rolling out in Ukraine the last few weeks, until last night I really couldn't see anything positive.
Then I watched a few videos showing how the Polish people are stepping up to help displaced women and children. Citizens are leaving stroller, diapers, warm clothes and toys at train stations to help incoming Ukranians, they are also volunteering to feed, house and drive them when their final destination is in a different country.

Poland is receiving the lion's share of refugees, I'm sure similar things are happening in Romania, Slovakia, Moldova and Hungary.
This story brought tears to my eyes. Strangers are leaving strollers, car seats, winter coats and toys at the Polish border for Ukrainian refugees
If you see a Polak today, buy them a beer or give them a hug.
Then I watched a few videos showing how the Polish people are stepping up to help displaced women and children. Citizens are leaving stroller, diapers, warm clothes and toys at train stations to help incoming Ukranians, they are also volunteering to feed, house and drive them when their final destination is in a different country.

Poland is receiving the lion's share of refugees, I'm sure similar things are happening in Romania, Slovakia, Moldova and Hungary.
This story brought tears to my eyes. Strangers are leaving strollers, car seats, winter coats and toys at the Polish border for Ukrainian refugees
If you see a Polak today, buy them a beer or give them a hug.