Hug a Pole

Mad Mike

Well-known member
I've been watching with horror the events rolling out in Ukraine the last few weeks, until last night I really couldn't see anything positive.

Then I watched a few videos showing how the Polish people are stepping up to help displaced women and children. Citizens are leaving stroller, diapers, warm clothes and toys at train stations to help incoming Ukranians, they are also volunteering to feed, house and drive them when their final destination is in a different country.


Poland is receiving the lion's share of refugees, I'm sure similar things are happening in Romania, Slovakia, Moldova and Hungary.

This story brought tears to my eyes. Strangers are leaving strollers, car seats, winter coats and toys at the Polish border for Ukrainian refugees

If you see a Polak today, buy them a beer or give them a hug.
I've been watching with horror the events rolling out in Ukraine the last few weeks, until last night I really couldn't see anything positive.

Then I watched a few videos showing how the Polish people are stepping up to help displaced women and children. Citizens are leaving stroller, diapers, warm clothes and toys at train stations to help incoming Ukranians, they are also volunteering to feed, house and drive them when their final destination is in a different country.

View attachment 53857

Poland is receiving the lion's share of refugees, I'm sure similar things are happening in Romania, Slovakia, Moldova and Hungary.

This story brought tears to my eyes. Strangers are leaving strollers, car seats, winter coats and toys at the Polish border for Ukrainian refugees

If you see a Polak today, buy them a beer or give them a hug.
They just got sanctioned by the EU... something about putting their own laws before the EU laws. The world really has gone crazy.
We have a "Pole" on this forum and he has been generous with his offer of help during the lockdown days (In July '20 I wasn't sure about getting transport from the airport and he offered to drive, even though I have never met him).
Poland has stepped up 100% in this matter. Although the older generations are cursing the Ukrainians STILL for what they did to our people 50 years ago.

There's been a handful of stories coming out of Poland where the refugees were taken to Polish families' homes...and basically said 'I'm not living in these conditions, I want better.'

They were promptly picked up by the police and taken back to the border to find other accommodations.

As for Poland having issues with EU...yes...abortion being a major issue. Not converting currency to EU (they saw what happened in Ireland and got scared), and the EU has effectively cut the taps off to Poland because of these. So no new investment is coming until changes are made.

As for hugs and beers, I accept IOUs also.
"Just", still reading Russia Today????

The sanctions were from disagreements last year and early this year before the conflict started and have nothing to do with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
What? Read what I said, there is nothing in my post about Russia, i said it was because of a disagreement regarding who's laws take priority...
"Just", still reading Russia Today????

The sanctions were from disagreements last year and early this year before the conflict started and have nothing to do with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Yup. The issues started a year or so ago following the big change in abortion law (thanks to the current ruling party PiS which is trying to get the country back to Church + State format).

Then you have a few more issues (i.e.: arresting journalist, buying a TV network so they have their own propaganda arm, etc.) and it's not all roses.
What? Read what I said, there is nothing in my post about Russia, i said it was because of a disagreement regarding who's laws take priority...
The issue is "JUST" it is old news, see MPs post.

And the tread's context IS about Poland and the Russian war/invasion of Ukraine.
They just got sanctioned by the EU... something about putting their own laws before the EU laws. The world really has gone crazy.
I think we're talking about the generosity of the people, not the gear grinding between the Polish and EU governments - that has nothing to do with the compassion and outreach we are seeing today.
The issue is "JUST" it is old news, see MPs post.

And the tread's context IS about Poland and the Russian war/invasion of Ukraine.
Yes JUST. The vote was literally this morning 10th March. Passed 478 to 155 in favour of sanctions on Poland and Hungary... yes the thread is about how awesome Poland is doing with the refugee crisis, I'm just pointing out the EU doesn't give a **** and sanctioned them anyway.

Rule of Law conditionality: Commission must immediately initiate proceedings | News | European Parliament
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Re the past and an old Amish saying: Those that can't remember are better off than those that can't forget.

Buy Polish vodka instead of Russian but don't be fooled by the name. Do what you can for the Poles and Ukrainians.
Re the past and an old Amish saying: Those that can't remember are better off than those that can't forget.

Buy Polish vodka instead of Russian but don't be fooled by the name. Do what you can for the Poles and Ukrainians.
Get yerself some spiritus with a side of liver failure ;)

My neighbour has been trying to get money to the right foundations/charities. Managed to get a few hundreds from the neighbourhood (cause we're just like that)

She's joking saying that if war comes to Poland, we'll have to house her remaining family in our townhouses. (but i don't know how much was serious and how much was just joking)
Get yerself some spiritus with a side of liver failure ;)

My neighbour has been trying to get money to the right foundations/charities. Managed to get a few hundreds from the neighbourhood (cause we're just like that)

She's joking saying that if war comes to Poland, we'll have to house her remaining family in our townhouses. (but i don't know how much was serious and how much was just joking)
She's not. A few of my family members have started applying for visas to the US and Canada so they're prepared if poop hits the fan.

It's a major concern.

As for probably shouldn't drink that stuff straight (although some do), and I've had some GOOD stuff there.

I also use it as a base liquor for my lemoncello and grapefrucello (?)...
My wife‘s parents were Polish and we have Polish and Ukrainian family members here. The compassion being shown is fantastic but also not totally unexpected. If any country knows what it’s like to be invaded by people you don’t want on your land it’s Poland. They know exactly what’s happening in Ukraine.

They are also resilient and resourceful. I’m expecting to see stories soon about 30 Polish Mig fighter aircraft partially disassembled shipped by trucks and rebuilt in Ukraine to get round any perceived NATO involvement.
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