HTA 172 and the Provincial Election

Rob MacLennan

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82Seca750 asked me to write up some sort of letter, that people could send to their candidates, regarding HTA 172. This is what I came up with. Hopefully it will be of use to you.

Dear (Candidate),

In 2007, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario passed into law, the section of the Highway Traffic Act that is colloquially known as “the racing and stunting law.” This law was presented, to the public, as a means to curb what was painted as an epidemic of street racing related incidents, causing death. There were, in fact less than a handful of such incidents, which were heavily played-up in the media. Certainly they were tragic, but not really out of scale with what normally happens, from year to year, and not requiring any sort of radical action. Yet all Members, from all parties, voted in favour of this law.

Since that time, many thousands of Ontario citizens have been robbed of their right of due process, when stopped by police for traffic infractions. Substantial penalties have been levied at the roadside, without benefit of a judge or justice of the peace, without recourse. The great majority of people, who have been charged under this law, have not been found guilty under it but have still paid hundreds of dollars for towing and storage, of their vehicles, and have been without them for a week. These people suffered from no impairment, which would warrant the removal of their vehicles and driving privileges prior to a finding in court, as is the case with impaired operation of a vehicle. In short, their Charter rights to both security from unreasonable search and seizure, and presumption of innocence, have both been abrogated.

I ask that, during this time of election, you take a stand against this whittling away at our Canadian way of life. Make it plain that you stand for something greater, than this sort of craven politicking, and that you would vote to repeal this unfair and dangerous law, or fundamentally alter it, in order to stop the travesty of roadside judgements.

With hope,

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thanks Rob email this to each candidate and if the issue is that important to you then you vote for the candiate who takes the issue be damned
Very well written Paul...errr...I mean Rob. FML
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This is awesome Rob, good initiative. Turbo, please stay out.
Where can you find a list of all available candidates in your riding? I could only find the main ones Lib, PC, Ndp, Green.
Thanks for this, Rob. Just noticed that the Libertarian candidate in my riding was also one of my professors in university LOLOL
My pc candidate replied and stated he was firmly against what he called "Nanny state creep". But as Rob pointed out to me he also voted for the law when it was passed... :) He will still get my vote as he is the only one who responded and he at least said the right thing... :)

So far the only local candidate, who responded, was the Libertarian.
My pc candidate replied and stated he was firmly against what he called "Nanny state creep". But as Rob pointed out to me he also voted for the law when it was passed... :) He will still get my vote as he is the only one who responded and he at least said the right thing... :)

lol hey Politician dude do you hate the thing i hate? Ya.. you got my vote lol
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