How's your mileage been so far ?

Low year for me. About 8,000 in day rides, and another 4,000 commuting. Typical for me is 10 and 10.
While I was at my parents place north of Creston we weren't allowed to ride or drive up on the mountain trails due to the dryness and our proximity to the Akokli Creek fire. They were under evacuation alert for 2 months this summer.

Yeah, as an Okanagan newb, I'm all gaga over the motorcycle-friendly terrain: street and off-road, but talking to long-time locals, the riding season has a definite month-long pause in the middle of the summer because of the heat, forest fires, smoke and dusty conditions on the trails. Really blunts what could be the perfect locale for motorcycle riding.

I'm quickly discovering shoulder season really is the best time for riding. Done more riding this past week than the entire month of August.
4,754 km this year. Between the summer heat and me being into cycling there just isn't enough time for everything. Just shy of 800 km on my bicycle computer since putting it on the bike in June but that to was effected by the heat.
10,000 km on the CB300F since May which surprised the heck out of me. All day trips 100 km - 400 km. Adds up.
Used to do 3k km on a long weekend on the CBF1000 or any of the Vstroms or Burgmans but speed limits lower here and have not done any overnight so 10k on daily rides I'm pleased with.
Was thinking I'd get a full year from new rubber and synthetic oil change but maybe not.
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