How were your nerves ..

Lots of good advice above. I just upgraded from a 250 and can say that if your nerves are bad now, definitely get a friend to ride it home for you. Then practice in a parking lot until you're comfortable to start on streets. Definitely take a course and try not to think too much about it and you'll be fine.
I bought my CBR 250 new last year and took my time getting used to it in the dealer lot. When I felt confident enough, I stalled it. Then I proceeded to slowly pull to the front of the lot facing Hwy 48 during rush hour and waited for ages until I felt like I had a space to merge. When I did, I popped the front end up mid-turn and shat a brick. The ride home was spent shaking from the fear, nervousness, epic happiness and excitement of buying my first bike. I'd recommend having an experienced rider ferry it to your home/driveway/garage, or spend a little more and get it delivered. However, there is nothing like baptism by fire!
First time ever on two motorized wheels for me was in Vietnam where my friends and I went on 125cc honda "wave series" motorbikes. Manual gear shift with no clutch. We rented them and with literally no experience or muscle memory, or safety training I managed to get it up to 95km/h down a beautiful road with the ocean on one side and rolling hills on the other. Then we stopped for beers, then continued back. :S

The first time being a passenger was a few days earlier for a 45 minute ride on the back of one. I was holding on to the back for dear life and my arms hurt for two days after, hah.

Anyway, when I picked up my first "real" bike, It was a used one that was dropped off at my house, then I had it dropped off at Rosey Toes and picked it up from there. I had my mom follow me in her car all the way to downtown on weston-->keele-->parkside and then on lakeshore.

Gotta admit, I fell in love with riding right then and there. :)
I bought mine off a dude near Sherway, and I had to ride home near Square one.

My gf drove me to his house and followed me home, although I would've been fine coming back alone: I got the bike weeks after my M2 course, so I had remembered everything I learned, and in fact the bike was in SO much better condition than the bikes form the course, I had a much easier time shifting and braking :p

The weather was cold and crappy that day with huge wind gusts, and I chose to take Queensway instead of the highway to get home...I remember it like it was yesterday...
drove it from Hamilton to Brampton all on back roads. stalled a couple of times. gave too much gas from stop signs while turning couple of times.

my advice, stick to low traffic roads.
Whack off alot

Give the guy a little more detail, he's new at this.

What Sonny is actually suggesting is to whack off WHILE you ride it home. This will give you something familiar to focus on to calm your nerves.
I was a little stressed out, but mostly because I had to make a left onto a super busy 4 lane road, and the end of the driveway where I bought the bike was covered in gravel. after that it was a piece of cake.
Thanks for all your stories guys. I had a chuckle at some of them cause i can see myself doing some of those things.

I had my M1 exit two weekends ago and bought an 07 GS500F and i also have a buddy riding my tail home. I dunno what he's gonna think of me whacking off at every stop light but all those wierd looks from everyone else will make me even more nervous. lol

Well be safe out there guys and gals and hoping i get out and meet some of you all.

Got licensed in september bought a 600ss may the next year. Needless to say i was freaked, got my friend to ride it to a parking lot close to home. There i sat on a brand new bike for the first time since my course a few months before, thinking WTF am I DOING????? After about 10 minutes, started the beast, cluched out no trottle are cruised around the lot, after a few minutes took it out of first. He rode it to my garage after and we went out the next day on the road.

Stallled a few times but he was riding behind sooo after that was cool.
I bought my GS500 in Burlington and had my father ride it home to Hamilton for me. Just cruised around the local side streets for a few evenings then once the weekend came I went out on the main roads. I remember the first time I went 80km/h, felt like I was flying!

Now I'm planning to buy a 600cc super sport or even just a SV650. Both bikes will have a lot more power than my little 500, and depending on where I buy it, I might have to ride it home from downtown Hamilton. And that's taking your own life in your hands right there!
shat myself going 80km/hr while cars were passing me on kennedy thinking god! these guys are ripping it down the street
looked down at my speedo, i was going 40km/hr LOL

hahah, same here! Those were the good times

"ohhhh sh, oh shi-oh shi-oh shi- oh-shi, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieee~"
Do they deliver?
This is always an option. I bought my bike out of London and had to have it delivered to Milton. The first time I rode it was around the neighbourhood on 40km/h streets, so I didn't look out of place doing 35-ish... boy was I nervous. It also helped that the break-in had me keep it under 5250rpm for the first 800km and with only an M1, I stuck to city roads.
First time I got on a bike ('58 AJS 650), I was 17 and the feeling was absolutely exhillarating. Riding in traffic, which I did the first time, didn't faze me - different time though - there didn't seem to be nearly as many dipsticks, boneheads and curbstones on the roads, as there is now. Back then, someone would try to "take you out" every couple of weeks, now it's a daily occurrence. So far as nerves go - I was a whole bunch more concerned about my "first" girl, than my first bike.
You'll be fine - keep your wits about you and don't over-think it, or you'll spoil what should be a thrill.
I can totally relate to this for sure. My bike got delivered from a dealer, and then i noticed an issue that would affect my safety so i sent it back (they picked it up) and they did a full diagnostics on the bike and repair. When i wanted to pick it up again, they were telling me it would take up to 2 weeks because of the bike show. So the guy told me just come and ride it back home.
I didnt want to tell him i had a fear of doing this plus i had my bike, so i had someone drop me off and told them to leave. I didnt want them to be a crutch and the only way i had of getting home was to ride my bike.
So i did. First i rode around the dealership area and a few other back roads leading on my way home , even around a building like 10 times, practicing stopping and starting as there were quite a few lights on my way home. And then i took off heading was a great experience and i'm glad i did it.
Its natural to feel how you are feeling. Just as everyone says though dont overthink too much.
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