Meh, reading 2 minutes into it almost turned me into a nerd.... More than enough for meAll I need to know is that if I have a nerd related problem I can call you and if you have a bike related problem you can call me

Meh, reading 2 minutes into it almost turned me into a nerd.... More than enough for meAll I need to know is that if I have a nerd related problem I can call you and if you have a bike related problem you can call me
what kinda pussy winterizes the bike? i rode thru last winter, as low as -10c. did go down twice tho. once from black ice and one from slush. minimal damage thanks to sliders lol.
you do run your bike after an oil change or your oil pump will loose it's prime and your oil filter sits empty for the winter
I cannot think of a good reason to not start your bike after an oil change
Change your oil and filter.
Apply chain lube to the chain to prevent any rust if it wasn't done recently.
Fill up the tank and put in fuel stabilizer. Run the engine for a few minutes to get the stab. into the bike well.
Pull the battery and place it in a dark place.
Put a cover on it and forget about it until spring!
so i have a carb engine .. sounds like the thing to do is NOT drain them and just to add fuel stabilizer, run the engine for 5 minutes to get it flowing into the carbs and the whole fuel system .. then store it with the carbs FULL of stabilized fuel.
i just got a full service done about two months ago should i be changing the oil and filter again to store it ??? Never have with my other bike but this one is new and only has 1600 km on it. Want to keep it in best possible shape !!!
i just got a full service done about two months ago should i be changing the oil and filter again to store it ??? Never have with my other bike but this one is new and only has 1600 km on it. Want to keep it in best possible shape !!!
Just a question does one really have to do all that? can't someone just start the bike let it run for like 20 minutes in a garage and then put it on a motorcycle stand (front and rear) and cover it after? then repeat in like 2-3 times a week? would this be okay to do for winter?