I asked my wife about this topic since
A) she is the most wonderful girl in the world
B) she is way smarter than me
She thinks if you have trouble resisting spur of the moment purchases, do not carry credit or debit cards all the time, sometimes you have to have it with you, but too many girls just cant walk past a sale, the shoes call to them....
Getting tea/coffee for a drive home is silly if the drive is less than 1/2 hr, just wait till your home, save the $2
Stay about 1 yr behind the curve in tech, your 50" LCD tv is just fine, 60" wont make your wiener bigger
Giving gifts you cant afford doesn't make people that should just love you, love you more, its just stupid
If your giving a gift card, make sure its one the reciever can use, 25% of gift cards are never redeemed and of the percentage that gets redeemed, if its $100 and your balance left is $8.35 nobody seems to go back for the $8.35. Huge windfall for the retailers, which is why every store is paying for shelf space at the grocery store to sell you a BestBuy card. Give a card the recipient can use or you wasted your money and the retailer wins. The person that gets a gift card is out nothing so the percieved value is less than you spent....... just sumpin to think on.
Buy fuel on tues and wednesdays, it seems to jump for weekends and stay there till monday nite in some areas.
Borrow dresses/formal wear from girlfriends for one off events, dont spend $800 for a one time dress if you can get around it. Borrow ones that make your boobies look great. (I added that part...