How to Prevent Your Motorcycle From Being Stolen? | Page 2 |

How to Prevent Your Motorcycle From Being Stolen?

Why don't you guys get a hells angels branded motorcycle cover. May give them a second thought on stealing your bike
lol. Reminds me of when a guy bought a used bike and it had a RR (Ruff Ryders) sticker on the swingarm. He rolled into KC and a few RR members were like "who are you, not in RR? You gotta remove the sticker bro." his response??! "I dun wanna, I like them." wrong answer, lol.
Probably 90% of stolen bikes are from condo underground garages so if you park in one dont be surprised if your bike gets stolen.
lol. Reminds me of when a guy bought a used bike and it had a RR (Ruff Ryders) sticker on the swingarm. He rolled into KC and a few RR members were like "who are you, not in RR? You gotta remove the sticker bro." his response??! "I dun wanna, I like them." wrong answer, lol.

ahahah! what happened next?
yeah, sure...walk into one of their clubhouses, "Excuse me Mr. Snake, sir, where is the gift shop?"

HA downtown Toronto have a store or Carlaw, just south of Eastern. It opened a few weeks ago.

They don't sell anything branded with the death head or hells angels name on it though. That's reserved for members only. It's just support gear. A sticker or a 81 shirt drapped over the bike might do the trick though!
Honestly, I know this might be a tough sell... but I make sure my bike seems kinda visible. They're not going to come into my parking garage and steal my bike because it's in a high traffic area. Also, I'm going to hit the hardware store and get a chain. Theres a small pole near my bike that I think I can anchor my bike to. Check this out , none of the disc locks will work or anything like that. The only legitimately useful thing I think they have is the motorcycle alarms. I think that'll deter the damn thieves if your alarm goes off.
Honestly, I know this might be a tough sell... but I make sure my bike seems kinda visible. They're not going to come into my parking garage and steal my bike because it's in a high traffic area. Also, I'm going to hit the hardware store and get a chain. Theres a small pole near my bike that I think I can anchor my bike to. Check this out , none of the disc locks will work or anything like that. The only legitimately useful thing I think they have is the motorcycle alarms. I think that'll deter the damn thieves if your alarm goes off.

Get theft insurance. If they want it, they will take it. That's the reality.
Get theft insurance. If they want it, they will take it. That's the reality.
Truth to that. It's just something to do with I hate the reality of my bike not being safe as I sleep. ****ing thieves ruining everything...
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Truth to that. It's just something to do with I hate the reality of my bike not being safe as I sleep. ****ing thieves ruining everything...

more incentive to get away from a condo. :)
or at least find a townhouse/strata with a garage.
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Hi, EatSleepRIDE is working on an article about how to prevent your motorcycle from being stolen out of a condo parking garage. Here's a few questions for you:

1. Do you feel there's an epidemic with motorcycles being stolen out of condo parking garages?
No! ...but what is an epidemic is drivers still using cell phones, cutting pedestrians, cyclists, and bikers off, and killing them and getting away with it.

2. What about public parking garages, shopping malls?
park right infront of the mall entrance & where cycle stands are, ALL malls, shopping plaza's, resteraunts, banks, even police stations accept this!
I have had a security guy call in to his suprvisor before approaching me 2am at one run down mall when i stopped on the sidewalk right infront of the mall entrance next to a patio to check my phone, and i herd his supervisor say, "Yes motorcycles are allowed to park on sidewalks, anywhere on the property."

3. How do the thieves do it?
ask them.... however, from almost having my bike stolen once, they most likely adapt to us, when and how we leave our motorcycle around. Would you leave your hot girlfriend in the middle of nowhere, alone for hours? You can't leave motorcycles for too long when out an about, and if you do, you much be standing next to it, or have a sight on it all the time from where ever you are, and at home when you sleep it must be stored in a place where noone can get in unless you let them in, its that simple.

4. Do you have any tips you can share on how NOT to get your motorcycles stolen?
Always park in a garage, if you live in a condo, rent a storage garage, these facilities have all the gated security, cameras, you can access it anytime. When it comes to motorcycles you can't be cheap, you'll end up paying for it real fast! never leave it somehwere for too long, too far, be as close to it as possible, cycles get stolen all the time because its easy, unless you eradicate the human race someone will always steal your @#$%, unless your motorcycle weights 3000 pounds its going to be stolen if you let it, you have to have the motorcycle mentality when you ride, everyone is trying to kill you, so therefore, when you park, everyone is trying to steal your bike. I've never had a bike stolen. came close once, left it in the far back open space with no cars around in a mall lot....NEVER do that! There was a camry parked right next to it with a guy looking around strething doing palates, fortunately i ran to my bike and only went in the mall for 5 mins. In garaged parking park right under the camera, so atleast you get your insurance money, it will still get stolen if its not in a confined enclosed space, like a locked garage.

5. Should bikers stop buying motorcycle parts on ebay?
Why just ebay? you think your friend won't steal your bolt of your motorcycle, only to sell it back to your for a dollar?
Criminals are into easy money. If a thief sees a major hassle they will steal another bike that is much easier to get away with.

Even with my own garage, 2 large dogs and home security system... I use a ground anchor.


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