How to corner

Really... stating a fact gets a post removed? Going to be another winter of this crap is it?

The post that earned the infraction was removed from the thread. Insults and name calling cross the line.
Of which I did neither. I pointed out that those that were being insulted could out corner him. Eh whatever. Going to be a long winter.
Of which I did neither. I pointed out that those that were being insulted could out corner him. Eh whatever. Going to be a long winter.
Welcome to gtam.
You haven't been banned yet, consider that a blessing
Of which I did neither. I pointed out that those that were being insulted could out corner him. Eh whatever. Going to be a long winter.

Ohhhh, I see what happened. Normally when someone makes an offensive post, I delete not only that post but also all posts (whether by that person or anyone else) that either respond to or quote the offensive post in question, to try to make it as if it never happened (the best I can). When I did that after the first infraction/deletion/ban ... I missed one. Then you quoted the one that I missed in your post, and that's when I saw it, and deleted both the original post and your response which quoted it.

I always do this in a way that can be reversed and so that I can go back and investigate, when something like this happens. (Not all of the other moderators do that), I can see everything that was deleted ... they're just hidden from public view.

Less unhappy now?

Brian, you'd better ban yourself for a few days for misuse of power. LOL
Step #2 is flip flops. Stickers come before wheelie's.. you know... with the added power and all...

I am so confused!!! What step and where and how does the douche best come into this equation. Is it before the flip flops but after the stickers or vice versa

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
I disagree.
Been watching videos and practicing ..any body got any tips on how to do tight corners at high speeds? Knee scraping I practice on the roads lol

take a course. very simple.
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