How they do it .... in UK

I remember the first one in Caledon, Boston Mills Road I believe...they just showed up in Ontario with no one ever having seen them before. Older folks were stopping in the middle... no idea what to do. It was like a lab rat experiment plunked down to see how dumb, or not dumb everyone was.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Midland. Where the men are men and the women drive 4x4 pickups.
More fun at Steeles + Tremaine. Woman in white Nissan signals right and moves into right (only) lane to go north on Tremaine. Unfortunately her intention was to go south on Tremaine and she went to cut back into the roundabout just as I was going through to go straight up Steeles (west). Dumbasses, all of them.

If only there were signs. Or markings on the road. Anything to show people how to use the alien-like feature.

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People can't stay in the correct lane on a straight road, can't make a left into left or right into right, think pavement markings are graffiti, don't know when to use a turn signal, don't know how to allow for large vehicles, etc .

Then we throw an undersized circle at them.

Enclose the circles, put in seating and charge admission.

Or fix training and enforcement.
More fun at Steeles + Tremaine. Woman in white Nissan signals right and moves into right (only) lane to go north on Tremaine. Unfortunately her intention was to go south on Tremaine and she went to cut back into the roundabout just as I was going through to go straight up Steeles (west). Dumbasses, all of them.

If only there were signs. Or markings on the road. Anything to show people how to use the alien-like feature.

Have you ever seen a Nissan pass through a roundabout without a near miss?
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