How much you ride ?


Hello everyone,

I am a new rider (this is my first riding season) and I am just curious how much you guys ride ?... let's say by week? ... by month ? I feel like I am not riding too much ... I set myself a minimum of 200 km a week no matter what as I want to get more experience, but my weekly average is 250-300 km . I'd like to do more then that , sometimes I do but not always :(
Hello everyone,

I am a new rider (this is my first riding season) and I am just curious how much you guys ride ?... let's say by week? ... by month ? I feel like I am not riding too much ... I set myself a minimum of 200 km a week no matter what as I want to get more experience, but my weekly average is 250-300 km . I'd like to do more then that , sometimes I do but not always :(

I'm at 850km and had bike for about 5 weeks.. granted I lost it for a week due to a factory defect, and another week due to plans, so I am doing about the same as you I suppose in the 250ish/week range.

Other people like ROGO seem to live on the thing :P
here are some ways to get you riding...

Ride to work every da (if you can)
Play photo tag games in the forum, they get you riding and going the distance
join group rides
Go visit family members just for the kick of taking the bike out
go for some ice cream to algonquin park


To answer your question, some weeks I do 200km and some I do 1000km. I do have to fill up minimum once a week!
I got my bike in February and i have about 7,000 on it now. When i get back from my trip aug 6 it will be up to about 20,000.
I got my bike in February and i have about 7,000 on it now. When i get back from my trip aug 6 it will be up to about 20,000.

:( I got mine on April and have close to 7000 now.. I need to make a trip somewhere this is not fare!
:( I got mine on April and have close to 7000 now.. I need to make a trip somewhere this is not fare!

HAHA i haven't even gone on any trips yet other than a weekend ride to Montreal.
Don't even pay attention to the odometer. Just ride for fun and before you know it, you'll rack up the km's.
I'd picked up my bike at Easter weekend, and got 15,000 so far. If you ride for fun, the km's will come :) Grab a paper map and go on an exploration ride.
Don't worry about the mileage as much as the frequency, I ride 7 days a week 5 for work and 2 for fun. On average I spend a 3 hours a day on the bike, more on the weekends. Just use the bike for everything you need to do and it will just become the habit. If you ride enough you will get your fix in no time. All it is a lifestyle adjustment, then you will know when you are craving the ride and when you just had enough.
i ride about 3 times a week some times more, 4hrs+ each time. last week i spent 2 days riding my bike on my days off 12 hrs each day lol (including food and pit stops)
Don't worry about the mileage as much as the frequency, I ride 7 days a week 5 for work and 2 for fun. On average I spend a 3 hours a day on the bike, more on the weekends. Just use the bike for everything you need to do and it will just become the habit. If you ride enough you will get your fix in no time. All it is a lifestyle adjustment, then you will know when you are craving the ride and when you just had enough.

^ This, assuming you have a desire to get more seat time (which it sounds like you do). My last season started beginning of August and I put on ~10K. I fill up about once a week--sometimes more, sometimes less--and generally get 180 - 200km per tank.

I got comfortable taking my bike on a lot of errands instead of my car even when it involved carrying cargo (to a reasonable extent). Don't be too shy with the bike. Be reasonably prepared and have fun getting creative with ways to to haul your crap around town on 2 wheels :)
^ This, assuming you have a desire to get more seat time (which it sounds like you do). My last season started beginning of August and I put on ~10K. I fill up about once a week--sometimes more, sometimes less--and generally get 180 - 200km per tank.

I got comfortable taking my bike on a lot of errands instead of my car even when it involved carrying cargo (to a reasonable extent). Don't be too shy with the bike. Be reasonably prepared and have fun getting creative with ways to to haul your crap around town on 2 wheels :)

:) my cargo net is only a year old and it is stretched to the max. I use straps now since I don't have any cargo racks.
i started riding my bike end of may and in a month i did 5000km . i would suggest you to join some group ridings. i ride to work sometimes depending on my mood . but most of the kms coming from group ridings on the weekends . i dont pay attention much to odometer,but i try to go group ridings everyweek.
The thing is we have a 20 months old and no family around to help ... so I can't be away for more than few hours . I guess I'll need to take the bike to work more often but Kingston Rd is insane in the morning and I have to carry a laptop, charger and accessories with me most of the time - which sucks
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Just ride whenever you feel like too. Don't worry about the odometer. Some week u ride less, some week u ride more. Don't set yourself a minimum.
The thing is we have a 20 months old and another one coming shortly and no family around to help ... so I can't be away for more than few hours . I guess I'll need to take the bike to work more often but Kingston Rd is insane in the morning and I have to carry a laptop, charger and accessories with me most of the time - which sucks

Find alternate routed to work and always have an escape route. The laptop and accessories can fit nicely in any backpack, perhaps ones with a laptop compartment. The idea is utilize riding and fit it in your routine to do stuff. Not to abandon family for it. After riding to work for more than a year. I have very little desire to abandon whatever I am doing to go for a ride, like it used to be on my first week riding.
Some where around 700km per week, mostly to and from work and job sites. Can easily doublre that if I take it up to the cottage. Used to use a chrome messenger bag to carry the laptop when I had a sportbike on the street. Now with my wee-strom I have hard cases.
Riding only one day on the weekends and the occasional evening ride some how I have managed to rack on 10,000km since May. I wish my commute wasn't a straight shot down the hwy or I would likely ride to work as well. Me and the wife have been considering buying a cruiser specifically to use for commuting and the occasional over night trip.

The first year a rode everywhere as it was my only form of transportation. I racked on almost 40,000km.

So I guess to answer the original question approx 1000km/week currently.
These threads always turn into dick measuring contests about who rides more. I stopped riding to work now.....I live and work on the subway line and there is no point. On a good season I'll do about 10K in a season but that was when I was riding about 40 km to and from work daily so might be less now. Longer rides is what really racks up the milage. GO to wasaga and back and hit up some good roads on the way and that's 300KM right there. Even just riding to forks and back is like 150 km right there. WIth that said touring in ontario sucks. You have to travel like 100km+ of boring roads just to hit anything even remotely half decent.
WIth that said touring in ontario sucks. You have to travel like 100km+ of boring roads just to hit anything even remotely half decent.

Perhaps where you live, sure. However, I'm about 10 minutes away from some decent roads and 30 mins away from some really decent twisties.

I've put almost 15k on my bike since May but I'm off for the summer, so riding pretty much eats up the first half of my day, everyday.
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