How much would you pay for excellent quality used gear

How much would you pay for excellent quality used gear?

  • no more than 25% of the price of similar new gear.

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 50% of the price of similar new gear.

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • 2/3rd of the price of similar new gear.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Would never pruchase used gear

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters


Active member

Have you ever purchased used gear? If so hoe much would you pay (% of new) for used gear? Anything you would not buy?

Personally I wouldnt buy used gear. Either its been on their head, feet, or been profusely sweated on.

I just look out for clearance sales, stores are always clearing out old gear.
No dice, used gear is covered in ball sweat
I would never buy a used Helmet, but jacket's, pants, gloves etc are fair game. My current jacket, pants and boots were all bought used, My gloves on closeout.

As for prices that's up to you what you want to spend and the condition the items in. I grabbed a older speedmaster jacket in great shape off kijiji in early 09 for $75 and I'm still wearing it, Teknic chicane suit from here for $150ish IIRC and I wear the pants daily (hate the jacket). My Alpinestar smx boots I got in 04 or 05, used off ebay in great shape, since then they've Rezippered twice, re-velcro'd twice and freshly re-heeled this spring and good for at least to the end of this season.
I'd say 50% of the regular price or a 25% off a clearance price. As has been said, I'd stay away from a used helmet, the rest is just fine by me. Considering that many riders barely ride, there's a lot of nearly new used stuff out there for sale
Thanks everybody. I am thinking about a "play-it-again sports" type business aimed at the motorcycling community that would focus on Gear, parts and accessories. Love your feedback on the idea. It would be my winter project.
Thanks everybody. I am thinking about a "play-it-again sports" type business aimed at the motorcycling community that would focus on Gear, parts and accessories. Love your feedback on the idea. It would be my winter project.

There's one in Long Beach CA:

Most motorcyclists are really picky when it comes to gear. I have no issues with used apparel, most of the high end goods I buy are used. My reasoning is that even if I buy items brand new, they become used very quickly. I don't need to feel that "high" of opening a new box or package. Profit margin is going to be razor thin between sourcing good used items and selling at retail. Unless you also include the more lucrative vintage collectors market but that takes a lot of research and knowledge.
I would buy a used jacket/pants/gloves (not helmet or boots) if the quality was good and the item was lightly used. It's not to hard to find lightly used, good quality items. People get into riding and decide it's not for them, or buy the wrong size, or just run into hard times.

I think selling used, your best bet would be to sell on eBay/Kijiji, etc. A retail store just adds unnecessary overhead.
If you were going to open such a retail store, I would not think of opening the store in Canada. The season is too short and your target market is too small.
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With Kijiji, Wera, GTAM, countless other boards.....what would be the viability of this business?
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