How much do you pay for insurance?

I got a quote last year from Desjardins. They were the highest by a lot. They aren't State Farm anymore.

Desjardins has two divisions - the original Desjardins and Desjardins Agents, which is the State Farm business including all of the State Farm agents which were converted. I'm still with the same agent I was with since the early 80's and get pretty much every discount available. My brother is the same - he once got a cheaper quote with Allstate and was about to switch over, until they called him back to apologize that they misquoted him and it was actually much more expensive. When my daughter got her new car, another company wanted a couple hundred bucks less (out of $2500) so I had her go with them. Turned out that a year later when they renewed her, they jacked the price by $500 because the original policy included a "loyalty discount" based on all the years she was under Desjardins, but it was only valid for one year, which nobody disclosed. By then, she had lost the loyalty discount from Desjardins, which made putting her back with Desjardins even more expensive.
Co-operators Ins - '01 Shadow 1100 - early 30's M, 8 years insured, no tickets.

Full coverage - $530ish a year, liability only would have been $250ish a year
Wawanessa through BIG in Kitchener.

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Surprising. It seems Wawanesa is putting any 1000cc bike into the restricted category. A friend of mines insurance tripled this year for his Suzuki S1000 GT. He's shopping around now for another company.
Surprising. It seems Wawanesa is putting any 1000cc bike into the restricted category. A friend of mines insurance tripled this year for his Suzuki S1000 GT. He's shopping around now for another company.
When I got my renewal information they initially tried to triple it. I went back to my agent at BIG and said to tell Wawanessa to try again or go shopping for a better rate. He came back and said someone at Wawanessa messed up and "forgot" to click the box for multiline discount and a few other things so after they fixed it my rate actually went down.
Maybe get your friend to double check with Wawanessa that they didn't "forget" something like that..... I've heard they are doing that a lot this year.

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Surprising. It seems Wawanesa is putting any 1000cc bike into the restricted category. A friend of mines insurance tripled this year for his Suzuki S1000 GT. He's shopping around now for another company.
Wawanesa will (and did) insure my FJR1300 for under $900 a year, but when I tried for a quote on a new 1340, it was "we don't insure those bikes" (hayabusa)
I'm with another company now.
Wawanesa will (and did) insure my FJR1300 for under $900 a year, but when I tried for a quote on a new 1340, it was "we don't insure those bikes" (hayabusa)
I'm with another company now.
Same with my Hayabusa. 2 years ago they quoted me something like $870 a year and I signed up. A month later they called and said they ****** up and had to cancel the policy, even though the contract was signed cause they don't insure that bike. Seems like a bunch of morons - I'd actually hate to see the process of filing a claim with them.
My renewal came $100ish cheaper than last year. 2022 Tiger 660; M2 Male 29yo living in Toronto. $1,345 a year for all perils

Two weeks from now, I will take my M test. I'm hoping for a decrease in the insurance, but let's see.
I'm still with them after all these years, although they're Desjardins now.
Just got my Desjardins renewal charged to my CC (Certas) - I was ****** that it went from 780 to 1103.

Called them... thanked them after hearing that was the consolidated premium for my ATV, Vstrom and Sp125! The vstrom went down to $630.
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Same with my Hayabusa. 2 years ago they quoted me something like $870 a year and I signed up. A month later they called and said they ****** up and had to cancel the policy, even though the contract was signed cause they don't insure that bike. Seems like a bunch of morons - I'd actually hate to see the process of filing a claim with them.
I had the same problem with TD when I bought my 1340. Been my insurer for years, and I worked for them - they said no-busa.

Went to Desjardins, the did the Busa for $1200, same as my FJR with TD. Been with Desjardins ever since, they've been great.
All this talk of Desjardins... as the wind blows:

I called NFP and tried the "do better" approach. They came back and suddenly "found" $200 in savings, putting me basically back where I was, sitll with Echelon.
I reached out to BIG, Allstate (again), Brokerlink... no response from any of them.

On a whim, reached out to Desjardins again since we're bundled with house and auto with them. 2 years ago they gave me an LOL rate, even WITH bundling.
I guess things are so different now, that they offered me ANOTHER $200 below what NFP could find. With better coverage.

So, now it's goodbye NFP/Echelon. Desjardins offered a rate $400 below where this started, with higher coverage.
All this talk of Desjardins... as the wind blows:

I called NFP and tried the "do better" approach. They came back and suddenly "found" $200 in savings, putting me basically back where I was, sitll with Echelon.
I reached out to BIG, Allstate (again), Brokerlink... no response from any of them.

On a whim, reached out to Desjardins again since we're bundled with house and auto with them. 2 years ago they gave me an LOL rate, even WITH bundling.
I guess things are so different now, that they offered me ANOTHER $200 below what NFP could find. With better coverage.

So, now it's goodbye NFP/Echelon. Desjardins offered a rate $400 below where this started, with higher coverage.
Good stuff!
I'm a big fan of the "do better" and "nope, try again" approach. Worked well for insurance and has also worked well for mortgage rates in the past.

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At Service Ontario getting a plate for my Ruckus.$80/yr for the little bugger for insurance.
The numbers for Ontario insurance are mine boggling!
I was thinking today, women pay less for insurance. At least, they used to?
What if I say that I "identify" as a woman? Hmm 🤔
what it says on your license is what matters.
Got my renewal in for my car and didn't like what I saw. Thought it would be a good time to finally look in to bundling it with my bike. So I called Desjardins and it all worked out pretty nicely for the in the end.

Previous insurance wanted $240 a month from me for my Golf. New quote here was around $195. Then the bundling brought my bike (xsr700) down from $165 a month, to like $130.
I was thinking today, women pay less for insurance. At least, they used to?
What if I say that I "identify" as a woman? Hmm 🤔
You can legitimately change your gender to "X". No questions asked (they cannot). X at most companies means it's the average between male and female. Anybody can do this! It may not be that impactful, unless maybe you're a teenager/20-something.
My campervan (98 Roadtrek) has everything, fire, theft, collision. It costs about 450$/year. And I get a rebate of about 140$ for being stored over the winter.
My cheapest bike with the bare mininum (no fire theft or collision) runs around 500$/year.
Can anyone explain how that makes sense?
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