How much do woman typically spend on plastic surgery?

I don't think that your typical woman has had a lot of work done...or maybe I'm just running in the wrong social circles. I'm sure that botox and facial peels and crap are becoming more common, but hardcore surgery I don't think is mainstream for most middle-class women. I mean, it's pretty pricey. I *do* know women who have had breast-reduction surgery, which is currently covered by OHIP (who knows for how long). After I have kids, I may consider it too.

It's definitely not "mainstream" I agree. Probably like under 5% of the female population has ANY sort of cosmetic surgery done. Although look into say; women that frequent a gym and it's probably more like 10%. Strippers? Probably 50%+. Women that compete in bikini or some kind of fitness competitions? Try closer to 70%. The more they care about their appearance, or depend on their looks to make money the more likely they will spend money for surgery. It's pretty common sense.
A couple years ago a buddy and I crashed a launch party for a botoxand the like clinic. They were rattling off some injections with a value of $500-$2000 per injection. Damn...
This chick I know got a nice set of tit's for $3000. I was at the Zanzabar last night and it seemed like no tit's Sunday. For $3000 these bitches should all have them it would definitely increase there profitability.

So u prefer the natural ones or the fake ones?

The surgery must of been done by Billy, the back alley abortionist. No way you can get fake cans for 3K these days. I know a chick that got a set "installed" a couple months ago and she paid around 12K.

Thats like a new bike there...
No surgeries here and not planning on any either...

completely agree with stormcat in this thread....lots of men getting pedicures as well now.

So u prefer the natural ones or the fake ones?

I prefer natural. Fake ones (even a really good job) don't feel natural, you can always feel the implant or scar tissue around it.
Most definitely the wrong forum to be asking this question on.

You'd be shocked how many people you know who've had nose jobs, ear tucks, lipo,...It's not just limited to breast implants or botox.
Sorry OP, all that I can tell you is that it's getting more expensive and it's happening more often than before.

It's sort of getting pretty common now. But since prices have gone up, people have been doing it when they go on vacation "back home". A lot of Korean, Viet, or Thai girls get boob implants and middle eastern girls get nose reconstruction when they go on vacation. I'd imagine the savings were pretty significant

I was actually thinking of how convenient it'd be if I got laser hair removal for where I normally get lined-up when I go for haircuts. Then, I can just shave my head myself, taper the back, and be done with it. I wonder if that could actually be done? Haircuts every 2-3 weeks add up
I prefer natural. Fake ones (even a really good job) don't feel natural, you can always feel the implant or scar tissue around it.

Fake chicks are fun to bang and show off but when I'm ready to settle down I'll defiantly be looking for inner beauty.
Lame I know but been there done that with the high maint chicks, they bore me and have no souls.
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I'll be honest. I have always wanted a nose job. A break in a skiing accident when I was young left a permanent sclerosis on the bridge of my nose where tissue overlapped. You can barely tell but I notice it and of all things, it's always been the one thing I let get to me about my body. I talked to a surgeon in Toronto a year ago. I was looking at just over 5K for the ordeal. I haven't ruled it out.
I knew a woman who had some kind of plastic surgery on her face. She was away from work for a few months and when she came back I didn't notice any difference (not pretty). But I think she noticed a difference, and I think she really did it for her own self-image anyways.

I figure it had to cost well above $10000. She had to put off buying a new car for many years.
I knew a woman who had some kind of plastic surgery on her face. She was away from work for a few months and when she came back I didn't notice any difference (not pretty). But I think she noticed a difference, and I think she really did it for her own self-image anyways.

I figure it had to cost well above $10000. She had to put off buying a new car for many years.

I think it's a personal thing. I'm not sure people think OTHER people will find them prettier or whatever..I think it's a personal problem they have with themselves. No matter what others may think, it's a psychological issue within themselves. I ask some women why they dye their hair and they always say "To feel better about myself.". Fair enough I figure..I suppose we all blow cash on something to make ourselves feel better. For me it's KFC.. :-)
The surgery must of been done by Billy, the back alley abortionist. No way you can get fake cans for 3K these days. I know a chick that got a set "installed" a couple months ago and she paid around 12K.

Pics or it didn't happen......
your question may not be worded correctly, or maybe it is.
Plastic surgery is a 14billion dollar business in North America, but are we talking plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery? I had a cyst taken out of my hand by a plastic surgeon and my wife had a suspicious mole removed, tested for cancer, but no cosmetic. The "average" women may never see a plastic surgeon and in some circles 80% of the room will have had, rhinoplasty, breast enhancements/reductions, tummy tuck, butt reshape, lypo, facial work and the new special vagiplasty , thats right folks... 45yr olds get the whoowhoo of a 19yr old.

My sister in law has had tummy/butt/thighs/tummy again. about 20k . If she could step back from a buffet she'd be ok.

you'd be surprised how many people you know that have had procedures. In cosmetic surgery if its really good you dont know. They kill a few people a year in the discount houses so know what your getting into.
And as the ladies said, its a huge growth industry for men.
Yea I think the dancers take the cake on this one, every other girl at work has had at least one procedure.
I knew a woman who had some kind of plastic surgery on her face. She was away from work for a few months and when she came back I didn't notice any difference (not pretty). But I think she noticed a difference, and I think she really did it for her own self-image anyways.

I figure it had to cost well above $10000. She had to put off buying a new car for many years.

Maybe she blew the $10 g's on Vaginoplasty.

Do the Mick Dundee challenge??mick dundee.jpg
A friend of mine had lipo done from under her boobs to below her knees. She went to Michigan to get it done and saved a significant amount of money.

She looked fine beforehand. She did it for her own whacked out self image.
I heard roasted got calf implants.
im male, and have undergone approximately 1mil in plastic surgery on my face and arm. it was cosmetic, and functionally necessary. im on my third nose. lousy surgeon wouldn't give me fake abs while he was in there disconnecting a feeding tube. nor would he pierce my eyebrow when he was repositioning my eye socket.
what a jerk.
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