How loud is Sena 30k?


Well-known member
I am wondering if you can hear speakers over 100km/h when wearing foam ear plugs!

I would say that as long as it has decent specs and output, it's going to be more dependent on the helmet that the device.

I have an older Cardo, and it works awesome in my full-face helmet and horrible in my newer modular, but o.k. in the older modular.

Edit: That was with earplugs in.
I have used the Sena 30k in my friends helmet, and I didn't notice much difference in terms of sound quality/loudness in comparison to my Sena 10S.
Do you currently have a bluetooth headset? It all really depends on how you are going to use it. I would only recommend the 30K if you ride with lots of people as the mesh system seems to work really well. If you ride with 4 or so people the Sena 10S will work perfectly fine and is much less $$.
Good luck!
I have a Shoei X-12 and I find even with everything set to the max and no foam ear plugs, I can barely hear my music going 100+km/h
Ear plugs affect audibility very little here. What matters is how loud the Sena is at your ears vs how loud the other noises (wind, bike etc) are at your ears. The ear plugs drop all noises roughly equally so they don't matter. Helmet, windshield and bike all affect the audibility. That being said, asking for real world experience is a great approach (and you can safely lump in the experiences of those that ride with and without earplugs).
Minor thread warp. I went on a recent trip and was loaned a Sena. I liked it more than I thought I would but would only use it for music/phone calls. Can I accomplish this with bluetooth earbuds or should I just get something like a cheap Scala freerider? I have a few different helmets I wear so I would prefer the ear bud route...
Thanks guys for the replies. Yes, currently we are using chinees E6 and for communication they work fine. Using ear plugs does silence everything (headset, wind, engine, ...). Now we crank up the communication units volume to max. This makes sound VERY clear even when cruising on highway. Problem is, I can't hear both phone and communicator at the same time. So have to keep my eyes on the damn cell phone screen to follow navigation directions! I was thinking getting a 30k could be a good upgrade so can hear both communication and navigation directions at the same time. But need to make sure still can hear everything clearly with earplugs!
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Just get a 10 or 20s. 30s is overkill imo.
I agree. I have to 10S and it is great. I guess if you ride with 4+ people that all have comm kits the 20 will be better for you as you can pair up to 8 people.
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