How long till you can ride after wisdom teeth extraction?


Well-known member
had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday, got a bit of swelling on one side and lots of discomfort, but I would also like to go back to work this afternoon.

how many of you rode 24 hours after your surgery with a full face helmet and had no problems, i just dont want to dislodge the clots or what ever and get dry socket.

(my motorcycle is my only method of transportation, bus system doesnt go anywhere remotely close to my work)

i am also not on any major pain killers they only gave me clinical strength ipbuprofen
This came up on my regular forum last year.

It's going to depend on you and you alone. Different people have different reactions to extraction, pain tolerance, healing time, etc. When I had mine out I had zero pain and swelling. A friend of mine, however, had issues for weeks that kept him off his bike last fall. So you're going to have to judge this on your own.

You could just put your helmet on in the house and see how long it takes to hurt, if at all.
My wisdom teeth were impacted and I suppose that's what lead to me being retardedly swollen for a couple days... like elephant man style. Once that passed, I was good to go.
you come to GTAM for medical advise =\
your okay to ride unless your putting you or others in danger.
i tried looking it up, looking for other peoples experience as the only thing i can find is that its okay to drive 24 hours after, but i cant find any document saying anything about riding a motorcycle. does it fall under physical activity? i wouldnt think so.
You need to stop riding/driving or even using computers for the next 5 years. Have a complete physical from your doctor after 5 years for clearance to begin doing these activities at that time. Don't stop wearing your helmet though.
I heard that riding while hopped up on perks is all the rage now :cool: Realistically, as long as you're not taking heavy-duty pk's, you can put on a lid and the pain isn't distracting you from riding properly, you're good to go.
What, are you steering with your teeth or something?!?!
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I was out of commission for a week. My face swelled up and I looked like a chipmunk gathering food for the winter. First check with your helmet on to see if there is any discomfort from your cheeks compressing. If you can jog and walk and not feel dizzy or light headed and keep your balance I'd say you're good to go.
Took me 5 days before I could fit the helmet over my cheeks (lol) and I still bled a little bit from it. I wouldn't risk dislodging clots one day after. 3 days, maybe...but 1 seems risky. But if you do decide to risk it, don't forget to take your penicillin.
What did your doctor tell you? Did he/she pull your license?
ya did it anyways, one side is significantly swollen, and it hurts from the full face but it was all good. just had heard horror stories about dry socket and dont want to do anything to promote that lol
When I got mine out I was at a buddies house by 7:00 with a dip in. 10+ years later, and no side effects. your mileage may vary. You city folk worry too much
Start riding immediately. Ride through the pain or the feeling of pain. It'll make you more of a man... Run that line by the ladies
if you have a smooth recovery.. u should be able to ride soon (2-3 days tops).. i ended up getting a dry socket which was super painful and def would impede me putting on a full face helmet for a couple of weeks..
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