How long can you last...

What would happen if u have a flat or out of gas?

This generation do not interact face to face. Have NO social skills because everything is a text msg or a Facebook.

Have no clue how to start a conversion

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Says the old guy (joking I have no idea how old you are). But I don't know what you mean. Are you saying the youth now a days can't have a face to face conversation? I beg to differ.

I bet when the telephone came out the elders said the same thing. But hey when I'm old and grey there will be a next invention that i would probably disapprove and blame society. Ever watch "surrogates"?
If I didn't have a company phone, I wouldn't own a cell phone.
If I didn't have a company phone, I wouldn't own a cell phone.

That's a bit of a paradox in a sense, how would you know if you already have one?
I spend at least 8 hours without it everyday.

I sleep during those hours.

seriously though the convenience is fun.

but as the arcade fire's song said "we used to wait"
So true Seabreez, I try to turn off data so I don't get anything but text and calls. It's nice not being attached to your phone and being able to concentrate on something with no interuptions.
"If I didn't have a company phone, I wouldn't own a cell phone"

That's a bit of a paradox in a sense, how would you know if you already have one?

No additional monthly bill?

My employer gives me a cell phone. If I did not get a phone from said employer, I wouldn't waste my own cash on one. I did give the Missus a cell phone, as if she breaks down in the car she can call for help. Me, I'd be changing the tire/under the hood/walking to the gas station/finding pay phone as required.
I don't think I would be friends with someone who didnt own a cell phone.

god damn luddites.
So true Seabreez, I try to turn off data so I don't get anything but text and calls. It's nice not being attached to your phone and being able to concentrate on something with no interuptions.
So I just walked in the door from my trip motorcycle trip to Windsor and my wife asks: did your phone die? Why didn't you return my texts? 48 hours of radio silence was nice. I get what my older son meant when he said "dad, i just don't want to be bothered, so I shut it off". Damned if you do damned if you dont.
I have a "pay per use" that i carry in case i get a flat.I think it was SamC that showed me how to make a text message last year.But i've forgotten now.:( My cell bill is about $200/yr maybe.
Being the geek that I am, I always have the last gen phone completely moded, which for me is more of a toy. Being able to be online 24/7 for me is a must. I also think it's somewhat stupid to go on a ride without your phone. They come in handy in the case of an emergency.

Still, I love the feeling of not having my phone on me when I'm on vacation.
I used to be on it every day and now I'm the worst at replying back to texts. My wakeup call was when I lost my phone and felt so naked without it - I found it a little pathetic. I've disabled my fb, don't have skype, no twitter, etc. I've become a bit of a hermit as of late. I think the tipping point for me was having to spend about an hour and a half answering accumulated texts at the end of each day & there were so many other things that I'd rather be doing in that time.

Whenever I'm out with a big group and a bunch of them are on their phones, we do this thing where everyone puts their phone face down in the middle of the table - first one to reach for their phone has to pay the bill. I've suggested it to other people with good success any time this topic comes up.
I only have a pay as you go for emergency when out for a ride, for me the funniest thing I've seen was when I took my daughter to the orthdontist, there was around 20 people sitting in the waiting room, men, women , kids and every single one of them was staring down at there phones with nobody saying a word to each other.
I was looking around shaking my head in disbelief. It was kind of sureal, I felt like I was in a candid camera segment.
I returned my company-provided cell phone to my employer in February 2011. Since then, no more cell phone for me... 1 year and 9 months of freedom.

What emergencies are you talking about? Running out of gas? Com'n people !!!

You know what is the strangest thing? I am a nerd, and IT and technology are my life.
I only have a pay as you go for emergency when out for a ride, for me the funniest thing I've seen was when I took my daughter to the orthdontist, there was around 20 people sitting in the waiting room, men, women , kids and every single one of them was staring down at there phones with nobody saying a word to each other.
I was looking around shaking my head in disbelief. It was kind of sureal, I felt like I was in a candid camera segment.

I believe in the future we will interact by a body-double. Watched the movie surrogates?

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I neither have nor want a cell phone. I may get one to be me "home phone" when I get my own place, but until then, I'll use the good old land line.
Whenever I'm out with a big group and a bunch of them are on their phones, we do this thing where everyone puts their phone face down in the middle of the table - first one to reach for their phone has to pay the bill. I've suggested it to other people with good success any time this topic comes up.

definitely gonna try next time!!!
What emergencies are you talking about? Running out of gas? Com'n people !!!

any emergencies that are worth of a 911 call... lol! come on you cant deny the usefulness of a cell phone. i use my iphone as a gps from time to time since i dont have a tomtom or garmin. it's just that nowadays ppl are too attached to their cells for lots of unnecessary functions/programs.
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