I can't find nearly enough good employees and have more work than we can handle. Like Brian said if you want to work with your hands there is a huge glut of work and no reason whatsoever to be unemployed.
Too many kids coming out of highschool expecting the moon, and then complaining about the wage that their lack of education provides them when they get their minimum wage job. Minimum wage jobs are not designed to be careers, but that's lost on some. Get an education, even a basic one - my son for example took a 1 year welding foundations course and is now working in the industry for 50% over minimum wage...to start. In a few short years he'll be in the $25+/Hour braket and it can only go up from there. Meanwhile, McBurgerGuy who barely made it past grade 12 (after 5-6 years of trying) is expecting $15/hour.
Don't get me started on the kids who go to 4 or 5 years of university to get an arts or philosophy degree only to somehow magically discover that both have minimum wage earning potential, if any at all.
In short, I agree... get some education for where there's work to be had and stop complaining. There IS good paying work out there but some can't see the forest for the trees.
Maybe I can dig out my old pay stubs if you want more proof. This is what the labour market is now. You go in as a temp, but stay that way for years. Working 40-60 hour weeks for almost minimum wage, but right beside someone full-time doing the EXACT same job. However they're being paid 3x as much because they started before Dalton-Wynne when companies actually had to hire people.
On this I will agree - too many companies out there with permanent temps...however, again...as per my earlier reply - get the FACTS. Dalton or Wynne had nothing to do with this whatsoever, so I don't know where you're getting that from - back in the late 90's I worked for a large trucking company (that still exists, and probably still does the exact same thing nearly 20 years later) that had ZERO drivers actually employed by them. Instead, by the hundreds, we were employed through driver services. This is not a new practice, but I will agree it is one that needs to stop - companies don't want to hire direct to avoid a lot of the attachments that come with it, and that's wrong.
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