nope, cause that is how you identify...not what physical parts you have. If ins. co.s want to screw us as men, then being X is valid. Be gender fluid....male when you are attracted to a female, X when you are driving, female when....
Right, it's not related with your physical parts. I never said it is. Neither is it fluid. You are one gender, only one, and it never changes except if you were incorrectly gendered from birth based on physical parts.nope, cause that is how you identify...not what physical parts you have. If ins. co.s want to screw us as men, then being X is valid. Be gender fluid....male when you are attracted to a female, X when you are driving, female when....
Right, it's not related with your physical parts. I never said it is. Neither is it fluid. You are one gender, only one, and it never changes except if you were incorrectly gendered from birth based on physical parts. kid described it like this to me: (very similar to an earlier post...yours maybe?) sometimes they identify as male, sometimes as female.then what is gender fluid????
...For the longest time I was buy-sexual....I had to buy all my sex.....
How about Visible minority lesbian female??Why not go all the way and identify as a female lesbian.
Anyone objects, walk them down to Human Resources or the H.R.C.
If you keep your beard and mustache, you might even qualify as a visible minority.
Or maybe the implementation is simply stupid, and there should be some guidelines and counseling etc. around it.
A misunderstanding, as far as I know.then what is gender fluid????
Certain people now make a distinction between sex and gender.
Your sex is entirely determined at birth; it's a biological trait that can't be changed (even if you get a vagina installed, what you really have is a mutilated penis, but that's a discussion for another day).
Your gender is a social construct or a personal interpretation of your sexual identity that is independent of your biological sex... I'm sure there's a more accurate definition that the gender studies ppl can give you.
If you separate the two concepts, you can simultaneously have a penis (the male sex) and still be a woman (gender). A part of this debate is biology (sex) while the other is sociology (gender). Those in politics have deliberately confused the two to make a political point, for one reason or another.
That said, insurance people are actuaries. I'd solve this problem by asking for people's physical characteristics in addition to their driving history until I'd build up a database of women with penises... guaranteed they won't see sub $3k insurance on an SS until they're over 30.
Almost.pretty good
only thing to add is orientation
sex is plumbing - and DNA
gender is how you indentify
orientation is what turns your crank
all 3 are independent of each other
former is fixed at conception
latter two can can be fluid