How important is continuous insurance in Ontario?


Active member
Hey guys, I'm finally looking at getting another bike again because insurance used to be such a huge issue for me so I decided to wait until I was older. To sum things up, I'm looking at a Ducati Panigale V2, 29 years old (30 in August), I live in Peel Region(GTA). I've had my M for over 6 years, perfectly clean driving record. 0 tickets, I did have an accident 10 years ago but I don't think that should affect my quote at this point. The only downside I guess is that I've never had a bike insured under my name before so I was just wondering, what kind of quotes should I be expecting? Back when I wanted to insure an SS everyone told me to wait until 30 so I'm hoping that makes a difference.
Start working the phone. Call the folks who post in the insurance threads.
The little Paigale should be under $10,000 / year.
A non sportbike in the 300 - 400cc range might be 80% less to insure.
Wow, so I guess waiting till 30 really did nothing. How many years do I have to keep a bike like that insured before I get reasonable rates on a sportbike?
Wow, so I guess waiting till 30 really did nothing. How many years do I have to keep a bike like that insured before I get reasonable rates on a sportbike?
Well it did something. You might be looking at 8-10K instead of 10-12K. Every year with a bike drops your risk (and therefore premium). I can't remember how long that takes to bottom out. I think three years gets you most of the way there and maybe seven for max?
I mean I see people paying rates around $1000 a year for sport bikes, that would be pretty reasonable in my eyes.
Wow, so I guess waiting till 30 really did nothing. How many years do I have to keep a bike like that insured before I get reasonable rates on a sportbike?
6 years
Well it did something. You might be looking at 8-10K instead of 10-12K. Every year with a bike drops your risk (and therefore premium). I can't remember how long that takes to bottom out. I think three years gets you most of the way there and maybe seven for max?
Okay thanks for the clarification.
I mean I see people paying rates around $1000 a year for sport bikes, that would be pretty reasonable in my eyes.
Pipe dream.

Perfect combo of age, experience, location and probably bundled everything plus the kitchen sink to get it.
Pipe dream.

Perfect combo of age, experience, location and probably bundled everything plus the kitchen sink to get it.
Fair enough, guess I'll just wait until I relocate. Thanks for the quick replies guys, I appreciate it.
Years of Continuos Insurance + Age + Clean driving / riding record + location = They may buy you dinner first...
I'm 68 and pay $1200 for my 09 ducati.
Wow, I can't believe how bad the insurance situation has got here. It also makes me wonder how I see so many sport bikes on the road recently. A move was in my plans for a while now anyway so I think that's likely the only way I'll get to own a sport bike, definitely not willing to wait too much longer. Not sure how Ontario gets away with rates like this.
Wow, I can't believe how bad the insurance situation has got here. It also makes me wonder how I see so many sport bikes on the road recently. A move was in my plans for a while now anyway so I think that's likely the only way I'll get to own a sport bike, definitely not willing to wait too much longer. Not sure how Ontario gets away with rates like this.
Legally mandated insurance, lots of expensive payouts, here we are.
58 and my KLR is less than 500$/ year (no fire, theft, or comp)
apples to oranges though
a klr with real power? absurd.
Most guys I know with super sports are well experienced riders (>10 years continuous experience), 40 or over, with clean records and even with everything bundled are paying $750-$1200/year.

I’d be curious to call (purely for ***** and giggles) and see what my quote might be.
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