How far have you gone this year

Not savvy enough to upload one but I can email you one if you pm me your address.

Hoping the Commander II is better than the Dunlop E3 they're replacing.
I forgot you bought the Magnum
Really like that bike

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Pictures or it it didn't happen. :p

Is this good enough?
I forgot you bought the Magnum
Really like that bike

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk

I put in 350km's on Monday to try out the new Commander II tires. They're noticeably stiffer and the extra feedback with them is excellent. Going with a 65-series rear instead of the oem 60 along with using a stiffer carcass really improves an already good handling bike.
About 8,000km and that's average for me. I'm only 4km from the office, so 0 commuter kms. Most of my riding is within 1/2 hour from home as I don't do long distance like I used to. Only two overnight trips this year and they were both quickies.
About 5,000 this year, which is close to average for me (only normally ride on the weekends when I'm free). Funny thing is I had more time to ride this year than most, but was trying to keep costs down, which did limit some of my riding.

Also after 4 or so years riding, I am getting a little tired of going through the same routes again and again (started to venture a bit further solo this year because of it). Thinking I might bite the expensive bullet and get a Zumo for next season, and maybe venture into the US, or try a few overnight trips somewhere. I know I could do it without the Zumo, but its a comfort thing for me, plus having the ability to plot routes the day/night before, then push them to the GPS.
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