How do you use your riding modes?

My bike has 4 riding modes, with mode 1 being sporty and I rode in this mode most of the time. Having a new exhaust and tune, now riding mode 3 feels like how mode 1 felt before the tune. Mode 4 is rain mode and is still super slow responsive.

I hardly use modes 1 and 2 now because they are just too quick and responsive for commuting or while in traffic.

Anyone else with riding modes just leave it in one mode or do you change it depending on your situation? First bike with riding modes so curious to know how others are using them.

I've similar bike to yours - MT09 with Yoshi and tune, I use mode 1 most of the time, love the pickup and full power, plus mode 1 and TC mode 1 allow pull easy (controlled by ECU) wheelies.
Mode 3 I used once when I was coming back home and rain hit me, and mode 2 when I am tired after a long(ish) ride on the way home, too tired to pass cars and just move with the (slow) flow. Also mode 2 (TC Lift OFF) for wheelies in the second gear - I found it comes up smoother and slower.
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