How do you react when......

I'm not trying to sound like a smug goof so please take this for what it's worth. I've been cut off a few times in 3 decades. You may want to consider your driving patterns if you get cut off so often. You may be riding in a blind spot too long, droning along at the same speed as the cars around you, or not monitoring drivers head positioning or movements as warnings when they are near you. Of course, maybe I've just been SUPER lucky.

If you commute in Toronto, it's an almost daily occurrence. That's why I have enough material to make videos.
If you commute in Toronto, it's an almost daily occurrence. That's why I have enough material to make videos.

I forgot about the drive into Toronto, which I avoid if possible. Point taken and concession given.
OP - i've been in a similar situation as you a couple times... a*hole drivers can kill you... hell, last year i got smacked by a pickup truck that came came into my lane from running a red into a right hand turn.

Your problem here is that you're coming on a little strong ;)

This is a bike community forum that's been around for a while with some great people... we don't need you going around challenging everyone to armwrestles ...
For some though its a sign of a lack of intelligence instead. I don't see it funny I see it as someone calling another dude a bra (article of female clothing). They are too lazy to say 'bro' or 'brother'. The laziness reflects on the intelligent level. Which is sad because I am sure there are some pretty smart people who use the slang.

I think "bra" is supposed to be "bro" but with an accent.. kinda how Dog the Bounty Hunter says it.. in Hawaii :)
I think "bra" is supposed to be "bro" but with an accent.. kinda how Dog the Bounty Hunter says it.. in Hawaii :)

It's brah you fools. And it's mostly used as a joke. Who the hell spells it bra?! You don't even pronounce it as bra, you brounce it as brAAAAAHHH.

Pretty easy to tell who's closer to natural death and who's not according to this thread =P
I think "bra" is supposed to be "bro" but with an accent.. kinda how Dog the Bounty Hunter says it.. in Hawaii :)

Not even cool when he does it.... lol still sounds like hes being lazy.
How the heck did we get so far off track? Now I'm only thinking of boons and the hostilities gone
油井緋色;1751685 said:
It's brah you fools. And it's mostly used as a joke. Who the hell spells it bra?! You don't even pronounce it as bra, you brounce it as brAAAAAHHH.

Pretty easy to tell who's closer to natural death and who's not according to this thread =P

油井緋色;1751685 said:
It's brah you fools. And it's mostly used as a joke. Who the hell spells it bra?! You don't even pronounce it as bra, you brounce it as brAAAAAHHH.

Pretty easy to tell who's closer to natural death and who's not according to this thread =P

It's usually pretty easy to see who is closer to UNnatural death too :lol:
For some though its a sign of a lack of intelligence instead. I don't see it funny I see it as someone calling another dude a bra (article of female clothing). They are too lazy to say 'bro' or 'brother'. The laziness reflects on the intelligent level. Which is sad because I am sure there are some pretty smart people who use the slang.

ehyo brah, u need to chill wit all dat intelligence ****, n'ahmean
I'm just a noob and don't remember learning how to intimidate cagers at my RTI course. Do they test this maneuver in the M2 exit?
I'm just a noob and don't remember learning how to intimidate cagers at my RTI course. Do they test this maneuver in the M2 exit?

nope, you learn this at the SOHK program.
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