So, we are talking of a concept probably 4 000 years old here....Before that we use to be part of a clan, then city state, then Nation such as Egyptian and Roman. So I'm not sure this concept will disappear with 7 000 000 000 citizen on this planet. Maybe we will go back to city-state one day, but it will still be considered as a nation.
Nope. Families, clans, tribes, etc. are as different from modern nations (came to be after middle ages) in their origin, purpose and character as they are in scale. But, that's a much wider discussion and not really relevant to my refusal to identify with any of them. I don't even identify with my family (fine as it is), so why should I identify with a nation?
p.s. we think we have a 'liberal' immigration policy, but canada is a lot more selective than people realize. and historically, canada has always been selective, often very selective.
It's a common misconception among non-immigrants that one can get into Canada just for the asking. In all fairness, how would they know? They didn't have to pay $2,000+ in visa processing fees, provide proof of a $10,000+ bank deposit, pass the interview in English or French, pass a thorough medical, be university educated and/or in a sought-after profession/trade, wait for three and a half years and then finally leave their fatherland in the back of a truck while dodging NATO bombing. It's even worse now than it was in 1999 (apart from the bombing) - people have to get out of the country before they can even apply for the landed immigrant visa. The nearest Canadian Consulate/Embassy is three countries/borders away.
I'm not complaining, just stating the facts. I have chosen Canada as my adopted homeland and paid whatever price I needed to pay to get here (including swimming a big and fast river to cross the border that I narrowly avoided). Nobody owes me anything, but I don't owe anyone anything either. I am whatever I want to be.
In conclusion, there's nothing liberal about Canadian immigration policy. The country picks and chooses the best and the brightest while sometimes helping refugees and reuniting families (also the best and the brightest). That's how it is, for better or for worse. Those complaining about immigrants should ask that waitress, cab driver, etc. with the funny accent what is their highest level of education. Then calculate how much a university degree costs in Canada.