How do I change my signature? |

How do I change my signature?


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Silly me cannot figure it out......:unsure:
I don't have that option.....

Have you tried turning it off, then on again.... :p

What if you click on "Account details" you'll access all your settings in a new screen, hopefully signature should be there as well.
Do you have those options? @DMTK


Don’t have a signature option under account details either….

Obviously I was able to do something with it one time to create it, just can’t find the option anymore.
Obviously I was able to do something with it one time to create it, just can’t find the option anymore.

Try doing it on a laptop/desk top, instead of your phone.

When editing "profile", "signature" should be directly to the right of "Account Details", or four items below it in the profile edit pane.
I’ve tried from a laptop / desktop as well, that’s where all of the previous screen shots were from. Just now was the only time I used my phone.
@DMTK Do you have access to Trash Talk?

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