How are you getting your vitamin M?


Well-known member
So for most of us, motorcycle season is officially over and there is nothing to do until spring. I know there are a few of you in the city or a few crazies who will ride here or there all through the winter, but for me and the majority it's a loooonnnnggg dry spell!

So I want to know, what is everyone doing to get their vitamin M? How are you scratching that itch?

I have a few things that help me hold over. I watch motorcycle movies, CHIPS being the newest one I've seen. I will re-watch Wild Hogs as I do every winter along with Easy Rider. Then it'll be random older biker movies. I got a NES Classic Mini a while back so I'll be playing Excite Bike, and then there are the motorcycle shows. I will be volunteering at the Ride for Sight booth at both the January and February shows as I do every year. If things get really desperate, my garage only has one motorcycle in it this winter (instead of 4 last winter) so I can actually get to it. If I have to I'll go sit on it and make "vroom" noises! Oh, and of course I have GTAMotorcycle and to scroll through. :cool:
If you have some spare evening time, and you're a decent rider, you could always inquire about becoming an instructor.
Now is the time of year when the different organizations are in full recruiting swing.
You'll also need to have some weekends open in the summer.

I usually go back and reread Street Strategies, Twist of the Wrist II, Proficient Motorcycling, More Proficient Motorcycling and Total Control.
Sometimes the addition of a year of riding gives new insights into the techniques discussed.
Anticipation! I'm 65 ffs and i am like a 10 yr old on xmas morning.I'm going to go get my new to me Duc at 4 today.Can't wait.

Do ya think it'll go around the block?
I forgot the context and was wondering why getting Motrin would be a problem
I read the occasional M/C book & go to the shows, but I mostly shut off the motorcycle gene for the winter and hit the slopes for my dose of speed.
It's just getting busy.
Now i have time to finish the Norton and RD400 I'm working on. Hopefully finished by christmas.
Then I start on a Gt750 and a Laverda SF... which hopefully get finished by next christmas.
A lot of snowmobiling and I'll go to Joyride 150 in Markham a few times a month to ride the indoor bike park. I might load up my van with the mx bikes and head south to do some riding but that'll probably only happen if we don't have much snow here.
I'm going to try snowmobiling and just bought my first sled.

I also have fun on the ATV doing all the neighbours driveways when it snows.
I'll keep an eye out for some punk doing wheelies around Northlake...

Anticipation! I'm 65 ffs and i am like a 10 yr old on xmas morning.I'm going to go get my new to me Duc at 4 today.Can't wait.

Do ya think it'll go around the block?
I'll keep an eye out for some punk doing wheelies around Northlake...

The last Ducati i had was sold because some "punk" got caught twice in a month doing ****.Five years have passed and i'm much more mature.:D
I'm going to try snowmobiling and just bought my first sled.....

Congrats. Had one a while back. Got rid of it cause the snow wasn't coming down enough close enough to home. Had to go 2 hours north, so made it a hassle timing it up with buddies to trailer with them. Plus they gave up on it too.
It's just getting busy.
Now i have time to finish the Norton and RD400 I'm working on. Hopefully finished by christmas.
Then I start on a Gt750 and a Laverda SF... which hopefully get finished by next christmas.

Same here. Picked up some easier projects for this winter. Had to secure heated work space first. 2009 Shadow Spirit, 2015 DL650, 2017 Honda Grom, 2018 TU250, 2007 Spirit parts bike.




Reading GTAM and hoping against hope that when I get home in December there'll be at least 1-2 warm days so I can put some miles on the new bike....doesn't look promising...
Researching and planning next seasons adventures.
The last Ducati i had was sold because some "punk" got caught twice in a month doing ****.Five years have passed and i'm much older now.:D

There, fixed it for you. Cheers Rick.

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Congrats. Had one a while back. Got rid of it cause the snow wasn't coming down enough close enough to home. Had to go 2 hours north, so made it a hassle timing it up with buddies to trailer with them. Plus they gave up on it too.
Thanks, it was actually my fiance's idea as I've been against sleds because of lack of snow. We moved to the country last year and during a storm she saw a sled go up our road and suggested we get one for her (since I've got the bikes I figured sure).
Found a great deal on a spotless and full maintenance history 14 MXZx. I do have buddies who sled and do trips so we'll get some use out of it I'm sure.
I dust off the Nintendo 64 and play Road Rash. Get my bike fix and frustration out bashing heads with clubs!
Riding and wrenching.

Fork seals and steering bearings on the Tiger, and the occasional winter ride when the temperature is above zero and roads are reasonably clear.

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day dreaming
about a year left in this mining racket
then I'm taking a few years off in a place where you can ride year round
importing a bike is not really viable, so I'll be stuck with buying local
looks like an Indian Harley is going to be the ride
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