HOV lane ticket

did you enter and exit the lane inbetween signs? maybe you were unaware of the use of the lane until you seen the sign. new rider maybe?
just how long were you in the lane before you noticed the cop...that'll play into your arguement. Cuz if you use an excuse, all the cop needs do is say how long you were in there, where he saw you etc, and you're done and lost all credibility cuz you lied to the judge (they're not idiots).

You're best off asking for reduced fine. You're guilty, there's no way around it.

Depending on how long you were actually in the lane, you could've said you swerved to avoid stopped traffic and the HOV was clear (assuming you were on 404 since bikes are allowed in muni lanes)...but again, you could end off looking like a liar and piss off the judge.
Hey JED, he couldntve seen me for more than 50-100 ft. Funny thing is, he mustve seen me in his rear view mirror because i pulled in before i even got to him. So i pulled in right behind him basically.
Is this a case of his word against mine or does he need deviance since i was behind him?
lol dude...i wish i sounded like chris tucker right now...(a la Friday with IceCube)

"You gotta be one dumb mofo to get a ticket for a hov occupancy when you merged behind the cop.."

lol sorry man, it's a bit comical with your new info.

I'd go to court, find the cop - odds are most of the cases on the docket are his/hers. Talk to them and swallow your pride. Play the swerve card and that it was only for a few mins while you were trying to find a safe merge back into the non hov traffic..... good luck...
I like how you are inventing lies for him.

You don't get to chose which traffic signs to obey, and that's why insurance should care. It's simply not up to you to disregard them, and if you do its your bed.

You gambled and got a ticket.
lol dude...i wish i sounded like chris tucker right now...(a la Friday with IceCube)

"You gotta be one dumb mofo to get a ticket for a hov occupancy when you merged behind the cop.."

lol sorry man, it's a bit comical with your new info.

I'd go to court, find the cop - odds are most of the cases on the docket are his/hers. Talk to them and swallow your pride. Play the swerve card and that it was only for a few mins while you were trying to find a safe merge back into the non hov traffic..... good luck...
Well i swearved behing the cop because the dotted line was ending so i digured maybe hed give me a break. Plus he wouldve had me if i passed him 100% anyway
I like how you are inventing lies for him.

You don't get to chose which traffic signs to obey, and that's why insurance should care. It's simply not up to you to disregard them, and if you do its your bed.

You gambled and got a ticket.
I agree that i went on and i should pay a fine. I just dont get why my insurance has to go high. Its such a scam on their part. I did something illegal, fine, ill pay a fince and move on. Why do i have to pay 30% more for 3 years without endangering anyone or myself in any way. I was riding speed limit, just im the wrong lane. Not a shoulder, just an HOV lane. Its a scam i tell ya lol
I agree that i went on and i should pay a fine. I just dont get why my insurance has to go high. Its such a scam on their part. I did something illegal, fine, ill pay a fince and move on. Why do i have to pay 30% more for 3 years without endangering anyone or myself in any way. I was riding speed limit, just im the wrong lane. Not a shoulder, just an HOV lane. Its a scam i tell ya lol

I'm not going to tell you to pay it or fight it, but don't go off on a tangent about insurance rates. No one forced you over.. you should have known full well that any infraction on your record is going to make your rates skyrocket.

If you really care that much, go see a paralegal..

Some other reading I came across lead me to this:

If it is a City of Toronto bylaw ticket (eg. the HOV lanes on Bay Street, Don Mills, etc), it does not affect points or insurance at all. If it is an Ontario Highway Traffic Act ticket (eg. the HOV lanes on DVP, 403, etc), then it does affect points and insurance.

you have not answered what kind of ticket you received, was it a by-law ticket or an HTA ticket

where did you receive this ticket? Hwy 403, 404, Dundas Street?


your best course of action is to file the ticket with your intent to fight the charges; wait for your notice trial and request disclosure to see the officer's notes
Hire a paralegal, or play your hand with the "did you see my wheels cross the dotted line" card.
Dude, go fight it.
They might just toss out the ticket because they have more pressing cases.
btw- Did your bike have solo seat cowl on it, because if it did you are at 100% capacity. You can try that as a defense if nothing else (yes, ignorance of the law, but you sound plausible). You can also ask the Crown to drop the points (if any) and they will also lower the fine.

If you do go through the process of the trial, you can ask the Judge to reduce the fine (they usually will) and state you are a student or having economical hardship. They will ask if you can pay it in 30 days, ask for 90 days. They will grant it.
E.g. your fine is $100 they can knock it down to $50 and 90 days to pay. You might as well drag it out. The HOV exclusion of bikes is unsafe and stupid imo.

Do NOT plead guilty (or guilty with explanation) unless the Crown gives you a deal that you accept.
Good luck

Just toss it out for the heck of it? Never seen that happen without SOMETHING to give reason not to pursue it. Don't count on that.
100% capacity? The law says two or more people, it doesn't mention (nor care) about capacity.
The Crown can't drop the points, nor can the Justice of the Peace. Points are allocated by the MTO based on the conviction registered, nothing else.
Upon conviction, a Justice of the Peace can lower the fine, and can give time for payment, but as mentioned, the points won't change.
Guilty with an explanation is no longer an option.
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I like how you are inventing lies for him.

You don't get to chose which traffic signs to obey, and that's why insurance should care. It's simply not up to you to disregard them, and if you do its your bed.

You gambled and got a ticket.

So you've never went 101 km/h or more on the 401? Pretty hypocrite of you.

you have not answered what kind of ticket you received, was it a by-law ticket or an HTA ticket

where did you receive this ticket? Hwy 403, 404, Dundas Street?


your best course of action is to file the ticket with your intent to fight the charges; wait for your notice trial and request disclosure to see the officer's notes

It is useless to give you advice unless you post the location, the charge will be different if it was a HOV ticket or a diamond lane ticket...
So you've never went 101 km/h or more on the 401? Pretty hypocrite of you.


All I said was he gambled and lost.

Hypocritical my ***. Every ticket I've ever gotten I've damned well deserved
It is useless to give you advice unless you post the location, the charge will be different if it was a HOV ticket or a diamond lane ticket...

To follow up, MOST diamond lanes in the city of Toronto now allow motorcycles, but there are still SOME exceptions in some areas where they don't allow it or haven't updated the signs.
I agree that i went on and i should pay a fine. I just dont get why my insurance has to go high. Its such a scam on their part. I did something illegal, fine, ill pay a fince and move on. Why do i have to pay 30% more for 3 years without endangering anyone or myself in any way. I was riding speed limit, just im the wrong lane. Not a shoulder, just an HOV lane. Its a scam i tell ya lol

It's really not very complicated as to why your insurance co. will care... From their perspective it demonstrates your threshold for violating traffic laws, if you're willing to do X, you're more likely to do Y...

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