Housing costs

System only works if you take pride in paying your taxes, so I take pride in paying my taxes,
and not a penny more.

Toronto is on the water, has a very expensive slightly flooded at the moment harbour that it barely uses, why not develop public water transit?
might as well drown as be killed in traffic :| Lake Ontario is a heck of a good shortcut if you want to get to goods or people anywhere south of here.
My wife had a patient today that was moving to Texas because it was “too expensive to buy a house”. She is an ER Doctor. I guess she wasn’t working hard/smart enough, or should have gotten a “better” job (like a trade) or something, according to the older folks on here. ??‍♂️
My wife had a patient today that was moving to Texas because it was “too expensive to buy a house”. She is an ER Doctor. I guess she wasn’t working hard/smart enough, or should have gotten a “better” job (like a trade) or something, according to the older folks on here. ??‍♂️
I know many who make really good salaries. Unfortunately their spending habits are horrible and they will never get ahead. My DR has a house. I'd bet most do.
My wife had a patient today that was moving to Texas because it was “too expensive to buy a house”. She is an ER Doctor. I guess she wasn’t working hard/smart enough, or should have gotten a “better” job (like a trade) or something, according to the older folks on here. ??‍♂️
A friend just sold his house somewhere in Texas. A nice looking estate residential which would be 1.5+ in the burbs of the gta. Sold in in a week for full asking of 320k. Damn.
Austin suburbs are cheap (or used to be dunno now). Had a coworker transfer there few years back and buy a 5 acre mansion with a pool bar and everything. Under 600k IIRC. And he was getting more money every paycheck due to lower income taxes.
@Trials, T.O. has tried a couple times to organize public water transit, the last massive fail was the toronto to rochester ferry. It just doesnt make money they way they do it. They have water taxis in the harbor, but unless you need to get to a frt terminal they make little sense either.

@MrK , your wifes patient was probably just making small talk. My wife also works in medical, single nurses working with her own homes. The Drs. own really awesome homes. However you can make a LOT of money as a DR in Texas. if you want to wake up everyday in texas.
@Trials... toronto to rochester ferry...
lol No doubt! Who the heck wants to go to Rochester N.Y. that's 3 times as far away as Port Dalhousie and in another country, that's international travel.
My wife had a patient today that was moving to Texas because it was “too expensive to buy a house”. She is an ER Doctor. I guess she wasn’t working hard/smart enough, or should have gotten a “better” job (like a trade) or something, according to the older folks on here. ??‍♂️
That was probably tongue and cheek. I played hockey for years in So Cal, most of the guys on my teams were medical practitioners from Canada. I have met countless Canadian doctors who hightailed it back to Canada after a year or two in the US -- most found great pay, but workload and performance requirements were beyond their expectations.
The Drs. own really awesome homes.

Was behind my old doctor's widow in his Panamera while she slowed down and pulled into her driveway this week. I think he was doing ok, till he up and died.

Ah most doctors don’t actually start making money until their 30’s and don’t pay the 6 figure student loans off until close to their 40s. They deserve the money they get paid when you take into consideration the path to get there and the shorter career length compared to most other industries. Seems half of them die prematurely from the stress too.
Ah most doctors don’t actually start making money until their 30’s and don’t pay the 6 figure student loans off until close to their 40s. They deserve the money they get paid when you take into consideration the path to get there and the shorter career length compared to most other industries. Seems half of them die prematurely from the stress too.
My doctor is older then me :| and I've been retired for a few years, he just sold the little rural clinic he built, to the government.
:| no worries he's loaded, has been since I was 10 years old, he could now afford to live anywhere in the world in luxury (y) but he's still trying to keep me alive which is pretty cool.
And that is a probelm with some Dr's . They work into thier 70' and 80's because you can pick your hrs and days. They end up well behind in being current and there is no compulsory retirement.
Sure they attend the 'learning clinics' put on by drug company XXX , because its in Maui and fully funded.

I'm envious of course, but I've also seen enough of that industry to know get a dr thats under 55. and go to emerg at a teaching hospital if you have the option.
Mom wanted me to be a doctor, I just did not have the brains :(
Yup same here. Although I also read somewhere a few months ago that more and more people are shying away from medicine as the debt levels, stress, and overall workload is just not worth it. Takes a special kind and I for one have no issue with doctors being well paid.
Wish I had become a vet.
but I would have still been living right here anyway.
My mom was a family doctor. She was quite adamant that I stay away from this as a profession.
Dad was an engineer and told me to go explore a career that made me happy instead of focusing on money and it would all work out.

I went to school, got a job in my field and then left to go back to school at 29, because I was bored. Started back at the very bottom earning just above minimum wage. I worked my tail off and took a while to work my way back to a reasonable earning, but has it ever been worth it! Probably took about 10 years longer to buy a house since I ate a chunk of my savings to change careers. Best decision ever!

Good luck to all you young people!
Dad was an engineer and told me to go explore a career that made me happy instead of focusing on money and it would all work out.

Sidetrack but this is the key right here....I went to school for engineering and even though I graduated with a B.Eng. I've never actually used it. Career took a few stumbling blocks out of the gate but then found my field (tunneling) and everything is somehow working well. I make decent money considering I'm not from this field, and have a good company that I work for. Unfortunately the jobs aren't always where we are, but with the coming tunneling projects in the GTA I'm hoping to work towards retirement in this field in one capacity or another.

Bosses keep telling me I need my P.Eng. to move up so that's the next step...and the PMP is in lockstep with it...just need to find that will to get it done!
And that is a probelm with some Dr's . They work into thier 70' and 80's because you can pick your hrs and days

Mine was younger than me. Cancer sucks. New one has no grey hair, a sense of humour, I can pronounce his name, and he has a pen. Any structural damage and I go direct to my ortho.
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