Honda CM250 Question for Roadghost - Others welcome to chime in

So - my girlfriend loves her little bike. It has been somewhat a nightmare though.. after rebuilding the starter clutch twice - once with new springs and rollers another with a new starter motor and starter gear plus the the carb hose with a fuel filter (5 carb cleans later) it ran great.

I now have two issues and since you seemed so knowledgeable about these bikes I figured id send a couple q's your way.

Bike was running dry of oil, oil smelled of gas and was very very thin. I replaced the float needle which appeared to have some ringing around it. I thought perhaps it was sticking open allowing gas into the crankcase causing the oil to burn up. Yet to determine if this resolves the issue. Any thoughts on this?

Second issue was that the rear pulley was warped and fraying the belt. I suppose someone bent the pulley somehow. Due to the belt and pulleys being discontinued, I swapped it for a 520 chain and sprockets. I am wondering if you have a suggestion for wheel spacers? The sprocket nuts hit the axle adjuster and chain is pretty close to the belt guard. I really would like to make the chain work - swapping back to a belt means removing the swingarm, plus they are harder than hell to find and expensive.

I am wondering if I can find the wheel spacers off an 82 which was chain it should properly space the wheel?

Thanks in advance

So I had to look at the sprocket on my bike to remember what I did, because I did this swap. I ground about 5-6mm off the studs to allow clearance for the axle adjuster. If I recall I think the sprocket must be turned the correct way so the nuts will fit properly (but I can't see on my bike which way). Taking it apart tomorrow to change the rear tire anyway, so I will find out.

Gasoline in the fuel is puzzling. Is the engine running okay otherwise? I can only guess a loose jet, but I would want to take it apart to see. It's not likely to be something big. Just some kind of oversight but... it could get expensive if you don't solve it.
Yea so with the sprocket I also did as you said I ground a bit off the bolts and then installed washer and the circlip properly this time and no issues with that anymore. I did not realize the washer was adding a bit of space to fill the void between the circlip as trials mentioned

I did look into the carb and the float needle looked pretty bad. The bike sat for a month while she went on vacation prior to this happening. I changed the float needle and after setting the valves back to spec it runs fine.

I ended up getting her an R3 anyway and will be donating the Honda to a friend who wants to learn. Seems to be running perfectly fine though but I'll be keeping a pretty close eye on it
You're trying to give a 520 chain away and nobody has jumped on it, correct?
lol call it a Race chain and suddenly everybody will want it.
I'll take it if you still have it when I see you!
but I'll give you some maple syrup or something for it (y)
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