Cant speak to standing desks - but I have used the kneeling chair Lightcycle mentioned.
It is now gathering dust or is used to block the corridor pathway if the dog tries to run away from me when I try to get him into the bathroom for his monthly bath.
I tried the
varidesk converter as well but found it to be a nuisance within 2 weeks in.
Again, can't speak to tax write offs either - but if you are someone that needs dedicated work space, I would like to suggest spending some time on these three sites:
Officestock - Modern office furniture store, chairs, desks & cubicles
The POI Store
Back during Black Friday of 2021 I was able to get a custom desk, steelcase chair, monitor stands and monitors for work.
Fits in a spare bedroom perfectly and allows me sufficient space to move around - good thing about the L desk is that the window is to my left so I get sunlight coming in whenever the blinds are open.
Love the Chair - this channel helped me decide:
Again, I do sit a lot of the time for work so I didnt want to take any chances with my back/spine. No issues to date expect for the cramps if I sit in my favourite position (right leg tucked under me while I sit on it for 1.5+ hours) lol.
All in this setup cost around 7k CAD after taxes - no regrets!