Holiday destinations

Keep it (your pants) on in Medillin, BBC says this .......
Share Message - 'Drugged, robbed, killed': The city catching US tourists in dating trap
Apparently organized crime is really targeting dating apps. Not just in Columbia, though there is a constant string of reports lately, but the rest of SA. Over in reddit (yeah grain of salt), the Brazilians are taking it a step further and have the girls go on a few dates before they spring the trap.
Who wouldn’t want dinner and maybe a walk on the beach before your kidnapped.

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12/10 on the flavour scale. Ground pork, holy basil and Thai chilies. I think I paid $1.65IMG_8456.jpeg

Forgot to post our reliable steeds. Went with the @mimico_polak playbook.


Doi Inthanon

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made it to Cdmx, liking it so far 😂

Also trying to find a Cumbia teacher, no suerte so far
made it to Cdmx, liking it so far 😂

Also trying to find a Cumbia teacher, no suerte so far

My favourite city in the world. Let me know if you need any recommendations, well outside of cumbia.

Pinche Gringo does decent Texas style BBQ btw if you ever get tired of tacos (which I can't imagine)
F yeahhh!! Best city in the world

How was the smell going out of the plane? The airport is nearby one of the largest landfills and sometimes the smell is not pleasant at all.

I'm guessing you are staying at either La Roma or Polanco?
I grew up in Delhi in the 90’s, Mexico smells like roses in comparison.

No alli problema.

I’m staying in the historical Centro.

Pinche Gringo does decent Texas style BBQ btw if you ever get tired of tacos (which I can't imagine
Had some pizza yesterday to take a break from Mexican food, let’s just say the Italians are done.
I’m staying in the historical Centro.

Try to explore outside of Centro if possible, not my favourite neighbourhood in CDMX. Roma, Condesa, Cayoacan, and Polanco are the most popular with tourists and prettiest. Cuahtemoc (this is where I always stay) and San Rafael are great too if you want a bit more of a local feel.

Get a Metro bus card, dirt cheap and will take you all over the city
I’m staying in the historical Centro.
Nice. My mom and wife like to have breakfast in the restaurant that is besides the Munal. It is walking distance from El Centro. My favourite churros are from El Moro, the original location that is in Eje Central, but the area is iffy to say the least.

Get a Metro bus card, dirt cheap and will take you all over the city
I agree. Just be careful with your belongings. When it gets crowded have your phone in the front pockets, to avoid pickpocketers
Tragedy strickes, went to a highly reputable taco spot in Cdmx, they didn’t even bring me any salsas 😞
Also noticing more and more fancier euro bikes around, Cdmx got some ballers
Also noticing more and more fancier euro bikes around, Cdmx got some ballers

They have super-ballers, a lot of the nice office buildings/hotels have helicopter pads on the roof.
Having watched many Youtube vids of the Scopolamine, Columbia scares me, these gangs really know how to clean these guys out - crypto wallets, online banking, many lose over 10 grand in a few hours while they're passed out....then again have met many single women in my travels that have travelled South America alone with no problems 🤷‍♂️

Just back from 4 days in Istanbul, 3.5 weeks in Thailand, 8 days in Bali, 3 ish more weeks back in Thailand, then Tokyo for 5 days. Stopped Before and after Thailand to break up the flights so wasn't faced with a 24-30 hour travel days with layovers. Can never say enough good things about Thailand, was my 3rd time there and fell more in love with it. Stayed mostly in the south, hit up some less touristy islands this time, found some incredible beaches with not many tourists. Wore a bathing suit for 5 or 6 days straight on one island, didn't need to shower just swam everyday. Awesome snorkeling right off the beach. Already looking forward to next Nov/Dec to head back. The dish Evoex posted was one of my daily, or every other day staples. Love that stuff. Enjoy picking up some of the common Thai words and phrases, always tell myself when I come home from travelling I'm going to try and put more effort into learning languages than wasting time on Youtube, will see if it pans out this time. Am only 34 and plan to spend a great deal of time there later on in life in my retirement years. So many other countries to see but I always want to go back there.

Mind boggling how many men send money to women over there on a monthly basis, just to tell people back home they have a "girlfriend" who they might visit once a year, and video call. That could be an entirely separate thread on it's own. Talked to many who had men buy them scooters, vehicles, built them a house back home for their family in the provinces etc. So many men go their to live their second life, after the divorce back home and kids grown up. Countless Australian and British guys owning a bar with their Thai partner. Every single one is the exact same but seem to make a go of it. All day long see 50-70 year old men with a gorgeous woman sitting behind them on their scooter. Sure is nice not being intimidated by women over there though, feel like almost any one is approachable, even if they turn you down or not interested they are nice about it. Not like here where I wouldn't even consider randomly talking to one at a shopping mall or on the street.

Tokyo was interesting. A bit tough when wanted to get outside of the touristy parts. Going from Thailand where it seems %80 of their economy is based on tourism, feels like Japan doesn't care at all about tourists, which is fine, just a little frustrating. For example one night walked around a neighborhood for over an hour looking for somewhere to eat. Either no English on any menu of the 15 restaurants I checked, too intimate(small of a place and I was only non Japanese waiting for a seat to open), walked into one - sat down and I said no beer - weren't interested in serving me food, other place asked for a mandatory appetizer order in lieu of a cover charge. Other places closed at 9, I could go on. Ended up that night at the Japanese version of Denny's fast food and ordered off the Ipad menu set to English. Did have some really great meals though. Went to some famous and local style ramen places. Delicious for around $10 per bowl.

Could have easily stayed another 2 or 3 weeks in Thailand without regret but it is a good thing I came home when I did, my dad thought it was a few mice in the basement that messed up my camera system so he set some traps when he stopped to check the house. I quickly found it was a squirrel that got in. Fell through a bunch of ceiling tiles and was just starting to cause damage/build nests. Rented a trap off marketplace and had it caught with peanut butter in about an hour. Thinking it fell through chimney - the water heater side and came through the venting.
A couple other "observations"

Cellphone addiction is REAL. Spent quite a bit of time in airports, can look over the shoulder of just about any girl 18-45 and watch them scroll from app to app to app, then back to the first app, then the second, then the third and back to the first. Wouldn't want to miss anything in the last 60 seconds that you clicked on it. Then they put the phone down for 90 seconds, look around, then back to the same apps as if they missed something. Mindless scrolling of Tiktok everywhere in Thailand and in Japan when anyone is on the subway or public transit - face down in phone entire time. What did people do or look at before cellphones?

Istanbul such a huge hub for fake designer goods. Hundreds of shops and market stalls with mostly the same products. Full of customers. Seeing the price of the real goods in airport designer stores (being a bit judgy here) I would guess about %85 of the purses and bags you see men and women with walking around in airports and in the cities have got to be fakes. Also the airport shops rarely have any customers in them, just people walking in, shocked at the prices, then walking out. So if I see a couple hundred women a day with LV bags, why are the actual stores empty? hmmm.

Japan - Don't think I heard a single car horn while I was there. People wait at the stoplight crosswalk for the green walk signal even at 11pm with no cars in sight. No garbage cans to be found outside. No one walking on the street and eating or holding a coffee in their hand. No one talking on the subway. Almost zero minorities there. No foreign workers at convenience store or gas station etc. Seem to really protect their heritage/gene pool.

Bali - Does anyone actually work? Seems to be a hangout spot for the 22-35 year old "entrepreneur" that can't exactly explain to you what they do besides go to the trendy cafe for breakfast, hang out at the beach, spend an hour on their laptop then head to the beach again for sunset beers. Many many Russians. Overdevelopment. Was there only 4 years ago and didn't recognize half of the streets with so many developments and retail storefront being added.
When I was in Columbia I met a local girl who was getting married to a guy from the US the following week. They were the same age and met when they were working at a hostel in the area. She seemed pretty legit and gave us the honest truth about the area and suggested we not fall in love with the local girls.
I always chat with locals when I go to "scary" places and I've always been richer for it both in experience and food. That's not for everyone if you don't have the street smarts.
One thing I noticed in Columbia was that every lady dressed up and was in heels or something that would grab your attention no matter how poor the area was. Beeee caaarrrreeeffffuuulllll.
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