Hitting the Apex - new Motogp documentary

The 1981 one?

any chance someone has a link to "on any sunday 2" ?

The 2014 one is called "On Any Sunday: The next chapter"

Download Kodi on your laptop and you will find all 4 on Genesis under movies and search
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So in the trailer released by MotoGP (not the one released by the distribution company), the premiere is Sept 2nd in theatres (one day only)...
But then goes and says that Sept 7th is the DVD/Blu-Ray release.
So in the trailer released by MotoGP (not the one released by the distribution company), the premiere is Sept 2nd in theatres (one day only)...
But then goes and says that Sept 7th is the DVD/Blu-Ray release.

Right... so, it's going to play in theatres for one day.. in Europe. You won't be seeing it down at the local Silver City. ;)

See the movie at your local theater: all you need to do is send an email to tix@theatricast.com with your zip code, or post code if in Canada. No cost to you other than the ticket, drinks, popcorn etc on the night. Theatricast is the company booking the theaters. As long as there are 100+ people who want to buy a ticket, the film will come to your theater. That means 100+ emails to tix@theatricast.com with your zip code / post code. (Not all from the same person!)
Tell your friends and email tix@theatricast.com
Hitting the apex may come to theatres in Toronto, Mississauga, or Vaughan.
But they need to have the "demand" for the film to hit the big screen with the commitment of ticket sales.

Here's the link to the downtown Toronto screening at the yonge-Dundas Cineplex screening https://www.tugg.com/events/76940

A few of us have signed up already, hope we can get the numbers up!
Production values are definitely higher, but the novelty factor isn't as high anymore. It's still great to watch

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