Hitch mounted dirt bike question....

I'm very discouraged from even trying this for a couple of reasons. One, is that my Mazda is brand new and I don't want to do anything to it that could result in damage or serious long term wear and tear. Two, its my wife's main car and she carries the baby around in it, also she doesn't like driving the corolla. Three, I stood the bike up against the rear of the CX-5 and just looking at the size of the bike next to the car made me worrisome (should have taken a picture). I also don't want to invest in this system and have it fail miserably. Right now, I'm just considering putting the bike away and saving all my pennies towards the purchase of a new Toyota Tacoma. I should start a new thread (which truck should I buy to haul my bike around).
If the car is brand new I wouldn't attempt it either. Unless you can find official towing and tongue weight capacities from Mazda your power train warranty would likely be void as soon as you put the hitch on it . I'd look for a true large SUV, a mini van, or a pickup (like you said).

Some roof racks for full trucks and SUVs are even capable of supporting the weight of a bike, the hitches even more so.
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I'm very discouraged from even trying this for a couple of reasons. One, is that my Mazda is brand new and I don't want to do anything to it that could result in damage or serious long term wear and tear. Two, its my wife's main car and she carries the baby around in it, also she doesn't like driving the corolla. Three, I stood the bike up against the rear of the CX-5 and just looking at the size of the bike next to the car made me worrisome (should have taken a picture). I also don't want to invest in this system and have it fail miserably. Right now, I'm just considering putting the bike away and saving all my pennies towards the purchase of a new Toyota Tacoma. I should start a new thread (which truck should I buy to haul my bike around).
The V6 Tacoma gets terrible gas milage.
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