Hit by train

Even *with* headphones/ipod/whatever, I STILL have a hard time understanding how the hell people are hit by trains. Darwin award, indeed! You just can't prepare for all levels of human stupidity...

Me and my 6yr old son love to watch these kinds of videos.

The second clip with the semi getting rear ended is a good lesson in why one never initiates a turn unless one has the room to complete it and get into a safe zone. In this case it appears that the semi had time to complete the turn but may have been stopped by some cager trying to make up his mind on where he wanted to park.
You might think you can slip in behind the cager turning into the parking lot but they stop right at the entrance to let out a passenger or discuss the location of the best parking spot. You better have an exit plan.

Re fences. Up north years ago in winter some kid climbed out of bed in the middle of the night and slipped over to a local hill with his sled for a bit of fun. He ended up in the river and drowned. His parents said that the town should have fenced the river.

A few back some guy drove his pickup truck into the path of a train killing himself and his kid. Apparently on the cell phone.

Can't cure dumb.
i cross the GO train tracks 6 times daily at my current jobsite(Sheppard subway extension in Downsview Park)and just cant believe this story. How hard is it to look both ways before crossing? What does school even teach todays youth? Not common sense thats for sure.
I wasn't at all shocked by the story. There's a lot of people I run into in Toronto every day and I'm surprised they lived to see adulthood. People saying that "someone" needs to put up a fence just confirms it's a GTA thing. Everywhere else in Canada people will see this and think, "only in Toronto".

What people really need to do to prevent this is learn to get their heads out of their ***** and look at the universe that's more than 12 inches away from their face.

I can just imagine someones exit interview after death "Well man, I was just walking along and bam! a train hit me."
i cross the GO train tracks 6 times daily at my current jobsite(Sheppard subway extension in Downsview Park)and just cant believe this story. How hard is it to look both ways before crossing? What does school even teach todays youth? Not common sense thats for sure.

School????? When did they exempt the parents of the responsibility?
First off - my heart goes out to the family. My condolences. Unfortunate what happened.


The stupidity of everyone now saying the fence is not high enough, it doesn't prevent us from crossing the tracks, etc (both the parents, and the students are stating this now) - is absolutely ludicrous and disappointing. I even bet now they are debating filing a negligent suit against whoever, GO, VIA, CN, etc - its the perfect example of how disgusting our society has become.
There was a story last year about a kid playing in the school yard during recess, and had his eye poked by a tree he was running around - the freaking parent sued the school - saying their kids are unsafe to play in the school yard and that there should have been a fence around the tree to prevent this from happening. (lets not even get to the original story of a hot mcdonalds coffee back in the day).
I think in the story about - with the school board - she was awarded compensation. Really? Really? Why dont you slap your kid upside the head, and say, watch what the hell you are doing!! Say to the little guy - **** happens, next time be careful. But no! they blame school.

And you wonder why everything down to our toothbrushes have warnings on them. Because its not common sense to realize if you shove your toothbrush down your throat you could choke on it! righhhtttt.......

If your kid gets poked in the eye by a tree branch - get over it. **** happens. Its life. Raise your kid to be more aware. if your kid is a teenager and decides to play, walk, what ever near rail road tracks, i believe they are of the age to be more aware of themselves, have the common sense to realize the dangers that are at hand, and to be careful. If they get hit, they are responsible. Not a supposed fence that is not there, too short, blah blah blah. I grew up playing on train track as they were in front of my house. We put pennies down, rocks, you name it - was i stupid enough to get in front of the train. No!!! My dad said it very clear to me - you get near the tracks, and you get hit, you die! Period. End of story.
Now get the hell out of the house. If i got struck because of my stupidity - well then i was the stupid one. I didnt need a fence to tell me this.

I wish society would take responsibility back - and stop trying to pass it on to someone else. As if there is someone else to blame except themselves, or the person who takes the decision to get themselves in danger.

When i was a kid - we had the original lawn darts!! Big steel daggers thrown in the air to a ring 30'-40' away - with the other team members standing right next to the ring!! Now what do they have today - some sorry excuse for lawn darts - plastic bowl shaped end with warnings all over the packaging...really??? - some how stupid has replaced common sense these days.

sorry - end rant!
Hey everyone. This happened at the end of my street. It was very hard just to get to my home the other day with the police blocking off all our streets in the area. The tracks in question are used daily by kids going to school. I used to do the same. To get to P.C.S.S. from south of the track you have two options. Walk around to Hurontario St. and up or up Shaw Dr. To Revus Ave. To Mineola. Crossing the tracks in this area (usually behind mentor college) cuts serious time off the walk. They try and fence it in but someone usually just comes with bolt cutters and opens the fence back up at night. This won't stop. Try as the might, kids are going to keep crossing. Even my folks told me about when them and there friends would do it.

I think its about time we made a proper safe crossing in this area as this has not been the first time this has happened. Yes, Ill be one of the first people to say "keep your damn head up and eyes open" but unfortunately you can't wake everyone up to common sense. If the city or C.N. or both really wanted an end to this they could work together to build safe passage across the tracks here. However their solution time and time again is to put hidden un-marked C.N. cops just out of sight randomly at these popular crossing sites and fine every kid they catch.

Yes I know it's not really their responsibility to make it safe, but 40 years (as far as I know of) of giving out fines hasn't either. Kids and adults alike will be crossing the same spot over and over the next day after this incident.

Here is the spot where EVERYONE crosses the tracks


as you can see it leads to an empty lot and right to troy street. No matter what fence they put up, someone takes it down. There is a flattened dirt path there from years and years of daily usage. You can actually see a path in the picture that is worn in, even going across the tracks. That does not happen over night.

C.N. cops like to sit in un-marked cars in front of one of the two houses on either side of the lot. They would wait until your crossed to bust you as many learned if they got out of their cars before we made it past the fence we would just turn around and jog back across to the other side if we saw them. Soon we just leaned what to look out for while crossing BESIDES JUST THE TRAINS. I will admit I wore headphones on the way to school but damn it I would always have my head up and scan the tracks before, during, and after I crossed them.

Too many times in the pass 10 years or so I've seen so many people looking down at their phone with ear buds in just walk into traffic without a care. I watch once as a kid almost got hit. The driver of the car gave the kids ****** and what's the kids response? "I'm a pedestrian and I have the right of way, you watch out for me" followed by profanities. Watching people and the way they conduct themselves as of late is on giant facepalm. So basically all I'm saying is if anyone cared about these deaths in the area a real solution be it a huge solid fence, or a safe walkway would have been put into action by now. I'm starting to think they just like the revenue from the fines they give out.

This is my signature
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Natural selection, its weeding out stupidity
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Doesn't surprise me. Every time I ride my bicycle I have to swerve around some idiot with headphones crossing the road without looking or the texters with their heads down to their phones. I now make it a game to see how close I can pass them yelling Hey!, watching their shocked reaction.
Doesn't surprise me. Every time I ride my bicycle I have to swerve around some idiot with headphones crossing the road without looking or the texters with their heads down to their phones. I now make it a game to see how close I can pass them yelling Hey!, watching their shocked reaction.

Doesn't surprise me. Every time I ride my minivan I have to slam on the brakes for some idiot with headphones swerving his bicycle into traffic without looking. I worry about the family he'll leave behind one day.
I have lived in Alliston for 20 years and I would guess at least 10 people have gotten killed on the tracks since I moved here. The train goes right through the centre of town and most of the time flies through. It blows its horn before crossing each street. Most recently it was a 18 year old very popular student from the high school just last year. Apparently a bright kid, very musically talented, part of school council etc. etc. Apparently walking on the tracks taking a short cut to school at 7:30 in the morning with his earphones on and that was it. So bright and smart but obviously no common sense. I said the same thing...How could you not hear the train or feel the ground vibrating?
Very sad for his family and friends. Not to mention the train conductor.
Recently ran into a friend from teenage years who worked for CN and hit a person on the tracks. He is f***ed up pretty bad because of it.
It is common sense not to walk on the tracks. It is private property and maybe they should jack the fines up and the kids might think twice about doing it. In my opinion if you are hopping a fence or cutting a fence and you get hit....looks good on ya, I just feel terrible for the family who have to bury them. It is just plain and simple stupidity.
stories like this always make my head hurt... I had the same reaction as most posters in this thread, especially when people in the article started shifting blame to everyone but the poor oblivious girl that lost her life probably due to texting or BBM.

The fence is there for a reason - you want to by pass it, cool... BUT USE YOUR GOD DAMN EYES WHEN CROSSING! What a horrendous feeling it would be to bury your child who lost their life to something so preventable.
I used to play on the CN tracks all the time when I was in elementary school. My buddy and I used to line up rows of rocks and other ***** on the track and wait for the train to run over them (really stupid). One day we walked down the tracks to the bridge and a train came. Both sides of the track were fenced in so we ran back. Easily got away because the train was moving slow but on a faster section of track this could've ended badly. It wasn't just stupidity (which all kids are), it was also thrill seeking which is harder to grow out of for some ;)
I really don't understand why you wouldn't look before you crossed... Kids are stupid. If the fence keeps getting cut either a make a crossing , b put a massive concrete wall... Or c teach kids what I think is common sense . Look before you cross?
Wait, I thought loud pipes SAVED lives....
i used to cross the go train bridge in port credit to get the train station rather than going down to lakeshore to cross at the road bridge...sometimes you're running your butt off cuz the train is right behind you...yes, had some close calls...had a friend lose an ear when he got clipped walking the tracks, had his headphones on...i miss the days of lining up pennies on the track and finding them afterwords...rocks was like schrapnel and you only do that long enough until you get fedup of getting hit with it, youth days of russian roulette...

as for people getting hit, just common sense, but then again, i didn't have a lot of that as a kid...
I used to cross the Lakeshore tracks all the time by Lorne Park High School, and even got caught once by the CN police (let off with a stern warning). I obviously looked both ways and crossed quickly, and never even came close to a train. I don't know if these kids are dilly-dallying ALONG the tracks with their iPhones blasting, that would be plain stupidity.
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