First off - my heart goes out to the family. My condolences. Unfortunate what happened.
The stupidity of everyone now saying the fence is not high enough, it doesn't prevent us from crossing the tracks, etc (both the parents, and the students are stating this now) - is absolutely ludicrous and disappointing. I even bet now they are debating filing a negligent suit against whoever, GO, VIA, CN, etc - its the perfect example of how disgusting our society has become.
There was a story last year about a kid playing in the school yard during recess, and had his eye poked by a tree he was running around - the freaking parent sued the school - saying their kids are unsafe to play in the school yard and that there should have been a fence around the tree to prevent this from happening. (lets not even get to the original story of a hot mcdonalds coffee back in the day).
I think in the story about - with the school board - she was awarded compensation. Really? Really? Why dont you slap your kid upside the head, and say, watch what the hell you are doing!! Say to the little guy - **** happens, next time be careful. But no! they blame school.
And you wonder why everything down to our toothbrushes have warnings on them. Because its not common sense to realize if you shove your toothbrush down your throat you could choke on it! righhhtttt.......
If your kid gets poked in the eye by a tree branch - get over it. **** happens. Its life. Raise your kid to be more aware. if your kid is a teenager and decides to play, walk, what ever near rail road tracks, i believe they are of the age to be more aware of themselves, have the common sense to realize the dangers that are at hand, and to be careful. If they get hit, they are responsible. Not a supposed fence that is not there, too short, blah blah blah. I grew up playing on train track as they were in front of my house. We put pennies down, rocks, you name it - was i stupid enough to get in front of the train. No!!! My dad said it very clear to me - you get near the tracks, and you get hit, you die! Period. End of story.
Now get the hell out of the house. If i got struck because of my stupidity - well then i was the stupid one. I didnt need a fence to tell me this.
I wish society would take responsibility back - and stop trying to pass it on to someone else. As if there is someone else to blame except themselves, or the person who takes the decision to get themselves in danger.
When i was a kid - we had the original lawn darts!! Big steel daggers thrown in the air to a ring 30'-40' away - with the other team members standing right next to the ring!! Now what do they have today - some sorry excuse for lawn darts - plastic bowl shaped end with warnings all over the packaging...really??? - some how stupid has replaced common sense these days.
sorry - end rant!