High school acquaintance 'turning bad'

One of my uncles was on the RCMP's most wanted list for a while. ;)

ahhhh family memories
Went to high school and hung out with a guy who strangled two men to death in BC. The last one he tried to 'hide' in the rooming house he lived in by stuffing the body under the bed. The smell of decomposition eventually tipped off the landlord, who made the gruesome discovery. He is currently in prison. They couldn't prove that the first murder was intentional because apparently he and his partners were into sexual asphyxia.

So there ya go. That was a holy **** moment to find out about. I hung out with the guy all the time. He was part of my high school clique.
Chicks dig bad boys. This part cracks me up:

"On their first date, Staples told her he was on parole on a life sentence for second-degree murder.

In a fit of rage, Staples, at age 18, had killed his roommate, a 38-year-old woman with whom he had a sexual relationship. He did 10 years in prison and had been out in the community for five years."

And yet she continued to see him and eventually marry him. Then he rapes and beats up 2 women. Um, okay. But I'm sure he was a really nice guy when he wasn't raping and beating.

Back to topic. Years ago a few of us went to a peeler joint. No, we didn't recognize any of the dancers but the waitress who served us was a former high school classmate. Not really bad but still a brow-raiser.
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Chicks dig bad boys. This part cracks me up:

"On their first date, Staples told her he was on parole on a life sentence for second-degree murder.

In a fit of rage, Staples, at age 18, had killed his roommate, a 38-year-old woman with whom he had a sexual relationship. He did 10 years in prison and had been out in the community for five years."

And yet she continued to see him and eventually marry him. Then he rapes and beats up 2 women. Um, okay. But I'm sure he was a really nice guy when he wasn't raping and beating.

Back to topic. Years ago a few of us went to a peeler joint. No, we didn't recognize any of the dancers but the waitress who served us was a former high school classmate. Not really bad but still a brow-raiser.

I got your story beat, we were in highschool and just got ourselves some fake ids. we were all 16/17 years old. So we're sitting up front getting smashed at our local strip club when out comes one of the girls from our class. She was underage and dancing...shoulda seen the look on her face when she saw us lol
Guy that grew up two houses down from me in Ireland raped a girl was found guilty and fled to the U.S before sentencing. He was on Americas Most wanted and the F.B.I most wanted list on their website. He was eventually found in Boston and deported to Ireland. His mother wrote a letter to the head of the prison requesting solitary confinement because she was afraid he would get raped by the other inmates. He even had a American wife and kids who knew nothing about why he left Ireland.
Had a friend from another high-school. Serious athlete, worked hard, but had some temper issues. Went to Kung-Fu for several years and seemed to be getting it all under control. Didn't see him for a couple years, then reconnected....
Invited him to the family sail boat, picked up his girlfriend on the way... nice girl.....
About 2 months later I hear that a manhunt for him has been issued - murdered the girl (maybe 110 lbs at most) with 3 shots from a sawed-off shotgun at point blank range. Took off to Florida, Dallas and up to Colorado in a span of less than a week before turning himself in.
In jail for 25 years, no chance of parole. He's about half way done now.
I went to high school with one of the Toronto 18. We weren't close friends by any means, but we had some classes together, and we both liked computers (so we had that in common and talked about it.)


We always thought he was a bit nuts. On 9/11, he was actually happy and went around the school putting up posters of Osama Bin Laden. He was an idiot. I mean, we could see him doing something like joining an extremist group, but it still shocked us. We knew he was dumb, just not THAT dumb. Besides, most people who join those things try to blend in, and don't flaunt their views. He was the opposite, so he didn't really fit the profile.

I firmly believe he was the weakest link in that group and was probably why they got caught.
Chicks dig bad boys. This part cracks me up:

"On their first date, Staples told her he was on parole on a life sentence for second-degree murder.

In a fit of rage, Staples, at age 18, had killed his roommate, a 38-year-old woman with whom he had a sexual relationship. He did 10 years in prison and had been out in the community for five years."

And yet she continued to see him and eventually marry him. Then he rapes and beats up 2 women. Um, okay. But I'm sure he was a really nice guy when he wasn't raping and beating.

Back to topic. Years ago a few of us went to a peeler joint. No, we didn't recognize any of the dancers but the waitress who served us was a former high school classmate. Not really bad but still a brow-raiser.

I thought the exact same thing when I read it.
Ugh some people children. *rolls eyes*
I used to work in a community centre years ago. Every once in a while, 'volunteers' would show up to do menial chores like mopping, window washing, etc.

So one day in the parking lot, I see a guy from my high school and so we start chatting. I asked why he was around - there was a weight room part of the centre - and I assumed he was for there for the that (not the first time I knew someone that did that, so the thought was natural).

Nope, he was busted for auto theft and was doing community service.

If nothing else, we have something to talk about next time I see him.
Ha had this happen at my friends 19th bday at Brass Rail. It used to have male dancers upstairs and we were going to go there and let the guys go down stairs but the guys went in frist and we found out later that the upstairs was closed cuase it was a holiday. lol well we all ended up where the girl dancers were and we see a girl a few years older than us that went to elementry school with us there and she ends up telling us to say hi to our parents for her. lol

I got your story beat, we were in highschool and just got ourselves some fake ids. we were all 16/17 years old. So we're sitting up front getting smashed at our local strip club when out comes one of the girls from our class. She was underage and dancing...shoulda seen the look on her face when she saw us lol
One of my Grade 10 classmates was arrrested, at school, for murder. Apparently he and some others were about to rob a bank, the youngest kid (maybe 14) had a change of heart, so my classmate shot him.
One of my Grade 11 classmates robbed several banks at gunpoint.
One of my neighbours, the year after he graduated highschool, was arrested for stabbing a priest to death.
It was a rough neighbourhood.
several moments,

One of my high school friends went to jail for fraud over 1million dollars, bilked many friends, family, business associates. He was a brilliant student, too smart actually

My public school sweetheart worked at the Manor, a really seedy strip club in Guelph, we ended up hiring her for a buddy from public schools stag, some of us played cards while others enjoyed the lecture she was giving, she was apparently a brilliant orator. She was doing tequila shots to rinse between lectures and threw up all over some dudes junk. The police officer in the room probably saved several lives that night, and ruined one marriage. So we considered the event a success.

One of the leading people in my moms church was charged with having sex with his 13y old. May he rot in Hell.

My scout leader aquaintence got caught with a duffle bag of kiddie porn at his work.

Dude I used to ski with shot his uncle (just outside Milton) in a rural house while the uncle was in the outhouse over $30K

This list could go on all day.......
several moments,

One of my high school friends went to jail for fraud over 1million dollars, bilked many friends, family, business associates. He was a brilliant student, too smart actually

My public school sweetheart worked at the Manor, a really seedy strip club in Guelph, we ended up hiring her for a buddy from public schools stag, some of us played cards while others enjoyed the lecture she was giving, she was apparently a brilliant orator. She was doing tequila shots to rinse between lectures and threw up all over some dudes junk. The police officer in the room probably saved several lives that night, and ruined one marriage. So we considered the event a success.

One of the leading people in my moms church was charged with having sex with his 13y old. May he rot in Hell.

My scout leader aquaintence got caught with a duffle bag of kiddie porn at his work.

Dude I used to ski with shot his uncle (just outside Milton) in a rural house while the uncle was in the outhouse over $30K

This list could go on all day.......

Please go on....
Ewwwww, just remembered an other. A dude I used to work with married a girl I used to go to school with. Small world eh... Anyways, cops show up at her door and arrest him. Turns out he was into kiddy porn. What a sicko. Pore girl had no clue and suffered depression for a while. She's good now though:)
Guy I went to school with was arrested, and pled guilty to raping a chick at gun point with his buddy. After they then made her go to the bank and empty her bank account taking her rent money.

Another guy I went to school with was charged and pled guilty to living off the avails. He apparently was a pimp and had three very young bitches in his stable.

Another guy I went to school with shot and killed a close friend of mine. Friend was shot 9 times.

A lot of girls I went to school with are peelers and I see them regularly.

A girl I went to school with use to give hummers to the guys in the fifth floor bathroom after and during school. When word got out she was providing this service; she cried rape. 7 guys I went to school with were charged. Charges were later dropped.

Another girl I went to school with ****** and sucked over 40 guys in a 16 hour period. She is now nicknamed the malvern mattress.

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