Corey McNeely
Well-known member
Most multivehicle discount run between 15-20%, not 5%
Most multivehicle discount run between 15-20%, not 5%
When I was with Belair I had a 2001 Jetta 2.0 gas. I bought a 2001 Jetta TDI. Each one was about the same in insurance. We'll say $150/month for the sake of argument. I wanted to have both insured for myself so if someone wanted to test drive the 2.0 while I was trying to sell it, they could. So I got a quote for both combined. $320/month. How does that make sense? I knew it would be a little more than the cost of one but more than double the cost when I could only drive one at a time made no sense. Of course they also don't tell you that if you insure one as an "occasional use" vehicle the rate on that one can go down by almost half sometimes.That is a wonderful scan.
You are a car collector or bike collector or you just have a combination of each yet you have to keep every vehicle insured.
They will say well other people live in your household.
They never have a proper answer when it is only you that live in your household.
I think ThePersonal gives me 5% off for each additional vehicle I insure. I have 4 now. That works out to 20% off of 400% the cost of insuring a single vehicle. I am the only licensed driver in my household.油井緋色;1920050 said:I was given 10 for having two bikes. I have no clue why it's only 10% considering I can't ride both at the same time. Should be up to 75%.
When I was with Belair I had a 2001 Jetta 2.0 gas. I bought a 2001 Jetta TDI. Each one was about the same in insurance. We'll say $150/month for the sake of argument. I wanted to have both insured for myself so if someone wanted to test drive the 2.0 while I was trying to sell it, they could. So I got a quote for both combined. $320/month. How does that make sense? I knew it would be a little more than the cost of one but more than double the cost when I could only drive one at a time made no sense. Of course they also don't tell you that if you insure one as an "occasional use" vehicle the rate on that one can go down by almost half sometimes.