Help with bike selection

Blue Plated E. Lighter and more powerful than the other models.


I've seen that ad and would be all over it if it wasn't for two things A) me and that bike are pretty much at opposite ends of the province and B) I just can't stand that all black look.
(Yeah I painted my first bike black but that was over thirty years ago and now it's just way too cliched)

Once again, arn't there any easily blue plated Hondas or Yammies?

I've seen that ad and would be all over it if it wasn't for two things A) me and that bike are pretty much at opposite ends of the province and B) I just can't stand that all black look.
(Yeah I painted my first bike black but that was over thirty years ago and now it's just way too cliched)

Once again, arn't there any easily blue plated Hondas or Yammies?

I live 10 min away from that bike, and I'm headed right through the GTA on the 20th. Willing to deliver the bike (for a reasonable cost... But much better than you making the trip). I've been hauling all sorts of bikes and sleds around in my truck for years and have never had any sort of "incident".

I appreciate the offer, but I'd be hard pressed to buy a bike sight unseen ( not to mention no test ride ). Also I'm still a ways west of TO and again I can't stand the all black look.
totally understandable. I'm headed west of GTA, figured I'd lend a hand if I could.

DRZ SM is on my short list!
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