Help with bike selection


Well-known member
I'm interested in getting another dual sport bike.

I had a 99 XT350 but due to my size and weight (5'6" - 140lbs) if it didn't start in about 6 kicks I was just about spent. I knew that an hour into a ride, covered in mud somewhere in the bush I might be in trouble.

I'm still looking to get another bike but I think it needs to (OK it must) have E start. As much as I like the thought of owning the classic go anywhere 650KLR I'm pretty sure the bike is too heavy and too tall. I'm thinking more 250-400. Any suggestions for what I should be keeping an eye out for on Kijiji?

Also just so I have this straight green plates are insured for strictly off road and blue plate is both on /off.

How about a Yamaha WR250R? They are fully street legal, lights, electric start. There are a few mods to get the engine performance into the YZ range also.
The DRZ is one of the first bikes that comes to mind but a buddy has one and with my size the seat height is a little intimidating. Do you think it's actually any taller most 250s?
The DRZ is one of the first bikes that comes to mind but a buddy has one and with my size the seat height is a little intimidating. Do you think it's actually any taller most 250s?
These are the listed seat heights:
Suzuki DRZ400S: 36.8 in
Yamaha WR250R: 36.6 in
Kawasaki KLX250S: 35.0 in

Not a big difference imo. The DRZ will be cheaper to buy than either of the 250s so you can throw the extra coin at some upgrades.

didnt Kawi and suzuki share the engine in one of the years?

but yea, my vote on the thinking of getting one for the more 600-1000cc insurance costs boooya
Yes, the Kawasaki KLX400 is just a DRZ400 with Green paint.

There is also the Kawasaki KLX250S if you're looking for a 250cc option.
I'm interested in getting another dual sport bike.

I had a 99 XT350 but due to my size and weight (5'6" - 140lbs) if it didn't start in about 6 kicks I was just about spent. I knew that an hour into a ride, covered in mud somewhere in the bush I might be in trouble.

I'm still looking to get another bike but I think it needs to (OK it must) have E start. As much as I like the thought of owning the classic go anywhere 650KLR I'm pretty sure the bike is too heavy and too tall. I'm thinking more 250-400. Any suggestions for what I should be keeping an eye out for on Kijiji?

Also just so I have this straight green plates are insured for strictly off road and blue plate is both on /off.


The DRZ model can be easily lowered with new links. bullet proof bikes. And yes, green off road only-blue on road.

didnt Kawi and suzuki share the engine in one of the years?

but yea, my vote on the thinking of getting one for the more 600-1000cc insurance costs boooya

Had the SM a few years back. loved it. MRD, FCR carb, jet kit 3x3 mod really wake it up. Looking to get another one since im living so close to nice sumo roads now! Forget my exact insurance but downtown TO (where its the most expensive) I was around 90$ a month. in Hamilton where I am now is half that!

Which DRZ's are street legal?

I thought DRZ400E stood for Enduro, so on off road and therefore street lagal, but now I read the DRZ400S where S stands for street.

Anyone able to clear this up?
After reading a number of reviews I found the same two items came up alot
1- it's a tall bike
2- it's a heavy bike

Yes it was often repeated what a great bike it it is but at 5'6" 140lbs tall and heavy are a bit off putting.

Now I'm thinking maybe a KLX250. But I want to go have a look at a DRZ that's close by.

Yeah I'm a rock of indecision....
the klr 650 is a top heavy bike but can be lowered,the problem with the smaller cc bikes is you will find they are slow after a while,good luck with your search it will be fun and dont make any quick decisions.
yep E is off road only. S model is street/off road. S model is a great choice for on/off road. They are pretty tall but cheap to toss in some lowering links. Heavy yes but no too bad. Ive heard good things about the KLX250. Absolutely no highway runs on that though...pretty much around town and off road would be it. The DRz can do 120 km's but its not fun.

Which DRZ's are street legal?

I thought DRZ400E stood for Enduro, so on off road and therefore street lagal, but now I read the DRZ400S where S stands for street.

Anyone able to clear this up?
DRZ400E - Offroad Only (Green Plate) - Bigger cams than S and SM, conventional forks
DRZ400S - Road Legal (Blue Plate) - Conventional forks
DRZ400SM - Road Legal (Blute Plate) - 17" Supermoto Wheels, Inverted Forks

After reading a number of reviews I found the same two items came up alot
1- it's a tall bike
2- it's a heavy bike
All Dual Sport bikes are tall, you need ground clearance when riding off-road. DRZ is around 300lbs with fuel. Light for a street bike, heavy for a dirt bike.

The DRz can do 120 km's but its not fun.
Depends on gearing. 15-41 Mine will go up to 170 with enough room. I can do highway at 140 with ease.
These are the listed seat heights:
Suzuki DRZ400S: 36.8 in
Yamaha WR250R: 36.6 in
Kawasaki KLX250S: 35.0 in.

There is also the Kawasaki KLX250S if you're looking for a 250cc option.

That's interesting to see the numbers. I have buddy who is probably around 5'4" ish and 110 lbs, he couldn't even get on my DRZ400, so he bought a KLX250 (which is for sale right now). He has to tippy toe on the KLX, but he can do it. Whereas I'm 5'9" 200 lbs, and I tippy toe on my bike.

As far as the weight goes, I have picked mine up off it's side many times lately, and I can do it, but there is no way my friend could.
Depends on gearing. 15-41 Mine will go up to 170 with enough room. I can do highway at 140 with ease.

That's with the stock dash registered number, right? Because mine is I believe in the 8-10% error range ...
the KLX and DRZ are VERY close in weight

I saw that - maybe within 25lbs if memory serves, but the reviews also said the KLX feels lighter due to weight placement (lower CG maybe?)

As to lowering links - I know that's an option but it kind of defeats the purpose of the DS.

Again I realize I'm all over the map on this.

Hope to check out a local DRZ tomorrow if the owners about and maybe have better insight after trying to get a leg over it.
UPDATE - A few weeks ago I spent the day in the Ganaraska forest riding with some buddies. Started off on a older DR350 and after my buddy (the owner) got tired of starting it for me he offered me his DRZ400. The DRZ had the rear shock on the lowest setting, the forks slid up in the triples about /4" and he cut about 1 1/2" of foam out of the seat. I was almost flat footed. Most of the time was spent on the single track. Had an absolute blast. I agree with my friend now when he says off road is great because unlike the street you don't have to be on the verge of loosing your license to have fun.

I now know two things for certain 1) I must get a dirtbike & 2) It has to have electric start.

Once I got going on the DRZ I felt fine - weight was not an issue - I managed to get it upright each time I had a minor get off.

I'm quite certain I want a blue plated bike. I got real used to leaning over the bars and cranking on the big single to climb whatever was thrown at me, so I think a 250cc 4stroke is the smallest I would want. I'm hoping to spend about 3K$. So far the only 250 -400cc bikes that I've found that have electric start and are readily blue plated are the DRZ400 and the KLX250. What are the comparable Honda & Yammies?

Thanks for any help - Can't wait to get out again next spring.
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