Help! Need High-Risk Motorcycle Insurance, Suggestions please! |

Help! Need High-Risk Motorcycle Insurance, Suggestions please!

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Hello guys,

After trolling this website since 09, I had bought me my first bike, a 2011 Kawasaki 250R. However, I got the stickers/plates for it, but the insurance is not there. I've called several people, I got two quotes. One was for 4400, and the other was for 4100. The problem is, they want it ALL up front for some reason.

I have a driving under suspension conviction in 2013(1 major ticket) and none of the regular insurance companies are willing to work with me; and even the facility quotes I had gotten would not take or help me out on a monthly pay basis. They want all that money up front, which I can't afford.

If anyone out there has any insurance brokers / companies that are known to insure High-Risk people, then please post here. I desperately need to get insurance.

On a side note; what do you think the likelihood of me getting pulled over, going from downtown Toronto, to Niagara without insurance, BUT driving properly and safely with LEGIT Sticker/Plates.

Riddle me that!
Facility insurance until 3 years. Forget about riding and just get a car. Move to Ajax or something because if you live in City you won't get anything under $6k for car insurance. From my experience no standard company will insurance anyone with a major ticket within a 3 year. Jevco is your best bet for car insurance.

Sorry, not what you want to hear, but there are literally no other options.

Hello guys,

After trolling this website since 09, I had bought me my first bike, a 2011 Kawasaki 250R. However, I got the stickers/plates for it, but the insurance is not there. I've called several people, I got two quotes. One was for 4400, and the other was for 4100. The problem is, they want it ALL up front for some reason.

I have a driving under suspension conviction in 2013(1 major ticket) and none of the regular insurance companies are willing to work with me; and even the facility quotes I had gotten would not take or help me out on a monthly pay basis. They want all that money up front, which I can't afford.

If anyone out there has any insurance brokers / companies that are known to insure High-Risk people, then please post here. I desperately need to get insurance.

On a side note; what do you think the likelihood of me getting pulled over, going from downtown Toronto, to Niagara without insurance, BUT driving properly and safely with LEGIT Sticker/Plates.

Riddle me that!
Facility insurance until 3 years. Forget about riding and just get a car. Move to Ajax or something because if you live in City you won't get anything under $6k for car insurance. From my experience no standard company will insurance anyone with a major ticket within a 3 year. Jevco is your best bet for car insurance.

Sorry, not what you want to hear, but there are literally no other options.

I have car insurance for my car, but for my motorcycle no one is willing to take me in unless I pay the full amount($4100).
Well, what do you think my chances are of getting pulled over with proper plates/sticker? Cause I know when cops run your plates, it doesn't bring up anything about insurance unless they pull you over and ask for the slip.

Link666, don't depress me! I don't wanna hear that, I'm keeping hope! Lol.
Hello guys,

After trolling this website since 09, I had bought me my first bike, a 2011 Kawasaki 250R. However, I got the stickers/plates for it, but the insurance is not there. I've called several people, I got two quotes. One was for 4400, and the other was for 4100. The problem is, they want it ALL up front for some reason.

I have a driving under suspension conviction in 2013(1 major ticket) and none of the regular insurance companies are willing to work with me; and even the facility quotes I had gotten would not take or help me out on a monthly pay basis. They want all that money up front, which I can't afford.

If anyone out there has any insurance brokers / companies that are known to insure High-Risk people, then please post here. I desperately need to get insurance.

On a side note; what do you think the likelihood of me getting pulled over, going from downtown Toronto, to Niagara without insurance, BUT driving properly and safely with LEGIT Sticker/Plates.

Riddle me that!

There's a risk/return relationship there and you will have to make the decision on how comfortable you are with the possibility of being pulled over, charged, or involved in a collision and being sued.

MTO does keep track of insurance status and they post that information for police to view at the roadside.
There's a risk/return relationship there and you will have to make the decision on how comfortable you are with the possibility of being pulled over, charged, or involved in a collision and being sued.

MTO does keep track of insurance status and they post that information for police to view at the roadside.

What status do they post? When I had received my plates and stickers, all they had asked for was the Policy #, which they didn't verify if it was for the motorcycle or not. I gave em my car's insurance policy number and bang, got my self plates and stickers to look legit.

Okay, I am VERY comfortable with everything you've mentioned. Now tell me, if I was doing EVERYTHING right, what are the odds of me being PULLED over for NO reason? NO reason as in, they see my plates are legit, my stickers aren't expired and my driving is superb and safe, maybe a model to other motorcycle riders, what are the chances of being pulled over? To all of you safe riders, who don't do much but ride straight and follow traffic rules, how often do you guys get pulled over, just to "check" on insurance?
Not worth the risk. Drive or go as a pilion if you're going with your bud's on bikes.
Your plate may be queried as you are driving and your insurance status will be displayed on the screen. You may get lucky or you may get stopped. The charge for no insurance is $5k for a first offence.
I have car insurance for my car, but for my motorcycle no one is willing to take me in unless I pay the full amount($4100).
Well, what do you think my chances are of getting pulled over with proper plates/sticker? Cause I know when cops run your plates, it doesn't bring up anything about insurance unless they pull you over and ask for the slip.

Link666, don't depress me! I don't wanna hear that, I'm keeping hope! Lol.

Dude, been in a similar position. Nothing you can do. It might be cheaper if you live outside the city *cough*hint*cough*

Don't get caught riding without proper insurance/paper work. 3 years of waiting will turn into something worst.
You're better off not riding for a few years versus risking further screwing yourself over.
Okay, I am VERY comfortable with everything you've mentioned. Now tell me, if I was doing EVERYTHING right, what are the odds of me being PULLED over for NO reason? NO reason as in, they see my plates are legit, my stickers aren't expired and my driving is superb and safe, maybe a model to other motorcycle riders, what are the chances of being pulled over? To all of you safe riders, who don't do much but ride straight and follow traffic rules, how often do you guys get pulled over, just to "check" on insurance?

Pretty high, I got pulled over by TPS last summer for doing nothing but riding with traffic.
Pretty high, I got pulled over by TPS last summer for doing nothing but riding with traffic.

Agreed - especially this time of year it's not uncommon to get pulled for a document check. OP - quite frankly they're looking for people just like you with no insurance.
wow....... why has no one told OP how much of an idiot he is for even considering riding w/o insurance???

likeliness of getting pulled over = slim (imho)
likeliness of getting into a collision = high (new rider, lazy/sloppy drivers on the road)

getting pulled over = $5k min fine + bike impounded + license suspension + no insurer ever touching you for another 3 years
collision = same as above PLUS now you're personally liable for all damages, and if you cant afford to pay $4100 up front, what are you going to do if you have a $125,000 accident benefit claim??
wow....... why has no one told OP how much of an idiot he is for even considering riding w/o insurance???

likeliness of getting pulled over = slim (imho)
likeliness of getting into a collision = high (new rider, lazy/sloppy drivers on the road)

getting pulled over = $5k min fine + bike impounded + license suspension + no insurer ever touching you for another 3 years
collision = same as above PLUS now you're personally liable for all damages, and if you cant afford to pay $4100 up front, what are you going to do if you have a $125,000 accident benefit claim??

Because not everyone is an ******* like you. Thanks dickhead, I weighed out the risks and luckily I will have insurance on Tuesday so it shouldn't be a problem. FYI, not everyone is a pussy like you.
-he needs to learn the hard way
-cheap SS will be up for sale
-Community has become composed of trolls
Because not everyone is an ******* like you. Thanks dickhead, I weighed out the risks and luckily I will have insurance on Tuesday so it shouldn't be a problem. FYI, not everyone is a pussy like you.

So, for you - a Pussy is someone who is entirely not willing to break the law for entirely selfish reasons, and potentially putting someone else's financial future at risk because of their uninsured arse, after having already taken a ticket for another offense that was committed for entirely selfish reasons (suspended licence? Unpaid fines, or a nice lengthy string of 'small offenses'?), and then getting all defensive when called on their ****?

Ok, I think i got that.

I think i got it figured out as to why your insurance is so high, also. It's the insurance co's way of performing a road-crimes attitude adjustment, or trying to keep you off the road entirely due to your high-risk status, with a 'go-away' price-tag.
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I have a driving under suspension conviction in 2013(1 major ticket) and none of the regular insurance companies are willing to work with me
If you run out of options you could get insurance in Alberta for about a quarter of the prices you posted. PM me if you need more info.
Not with a driving record like that you won't. That's also insurance fraud. Great advice in this thread. Drive without it or lie and say you live in another province. How about learn how to drive like a normal person and deal with since you were obviously caught doing something stupid once already. :rolleyes:
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