Help! Lowest quote $9800!!


You're pretty much screwed to begin with, add on top of that pending charges? Your only choices are:

a) ride dirty and you'll be paying off court fines/charges until the end of time if you keep getting nabbed...never mind you'll lose your licence to drive a car..ones assumes you may eventually need this one day for work/family.
b) keep the bike and insure it at whatever astronomical figure they want - you'll never have a cent to spend on anything else for years but hey at least you`re riding.
c)downgrade to something really tiny - pray the payments are low enough you can actually do something else with the money you make and wait out the charges falling off and adding a few more years to your risk factor (age)
d) give up motorcycling entirely for the short term - as per above, gain a few more years in the age department and let everything simmer down

Only advice i want to offer is, learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.

Good luck!
OP, step back and look at your situation:

Riding for 1 year ~
Several tickets (enough that you don't know the actual number apparently)
6 Summons/riding without insurance, etc

At this point I would be more concerned with how you'll get to work for the next 5-10 years than how you can hold onto a 14 year old bike because you've 'grown to love it'. At this point riding anything besides a bicycle legally is not something in your near future, driving may even be off the table.

Getting your full M won't do anything for your rates, at all. Your age + previous convictions + probable convictions = Done for quite awhile. Selling your bike will potentially go towards helping your case in court, which will in turn help your future ability to drive. (and also the rest of our insurance rates...)

I know it probably seems like $9500 is easy money right now, being 21 with what I'm guessing is very little financial responsibility other than a cell phone, gas and maybe your clothes, etc. Take it from everyone posting here, when you are older, have a house, a family; $9500 is not something you'll want to fork out to 'cruise up and down Mississauga road'. Choices you make today will impact your financial future long after you no longer care about riding or your priorities change.

To answer your question, because that's what you came here for: $9500 is an AMAZING price for all the reasons listed above.
Yea no, I started riding because all my older buddies did and encouraged me to try it out. And so I did and ever since I was hooked. I clocked over 15,000kms on my first season last year on the 250 in a span of 3 months. I was the kid that would leave work at 8am (worked nightshifts) and wouldn't be home till 12pm because I would spend 4 hours ripping it up and down Mississauga road. And then after some sleep I would be back out at like 9pm and ride for another 3hours before work. I absolutely love riding. To address your other point, yes i have been riding dirty on the 600. I actually recently got pulled and now facing 6 summons of defendants, but thats another story. Which is why I am so desperately looking for insurance now. As much as I loved my 250, being so light and flickable to fun to ride, now that I've experienced a SS, I don't think I'd want to go back.

This pretty much wraps up this story.

I get your love for riding, but you F'ed up big time by getting caught for riding dirty.
Unless you somehow win that case in court, you're screwed for 6-10 years (depending on the insurance company) $9.8k would be considered cheap.

If you do lose this case, riding on the track will be your only option if you insist on riding (unless you're okay with jail-time).

Don't screw up your life just because you want to ride a motorcycle on the street.
OP, it's people like YOU that escalate SS bike insurance rates for all of us responsible riders here in Ontario.

Sent from my SGH-M919V using mobile app
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thread is pretty much a dumpster fire of bad judgment
this one may be, beyond advice, but time should improve things
fortunately, he's gonna have many years to re-think things
s i have been riding dirty on the 600. I actually recently got pulled and now facing 6 summons of defendants, but thats another story.

That's not another story, that just adds to your idiocy.
Get the f$#* off my roads.
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OP, riding dirty is a nasty fine to be caught with.. I was your age and was busted for that driving my pickup. The fine was huge and my insurance rate just for 1 car afterwards was insane.

Honestly man, if you're able to clear up all these charges and even drive anything I'd be surprised. The hard truth is it might be best to just not ride for a few need to focus on keeping insurance on something to get to and from work (and court lol)

Trust me, a little sacrifice now will pay off later, if you end up not driving a vehicle consistently; the next time you go to insurance ANYTHING you will be considered a new driver. Or at least that's how it used to work. Better to take your lumps now than still be considered a new driver in 5 years.
The thread is turning nasty, possibly justified but I would like an honest answer from the OP.

Are you asking for help to:

A To straighten up your life long term


B Some way to be able to continue on the way you have without paying $10+ G for insurance.

We've already dealt with option B and you've been flogged over what you could be facing from stiff fines to fraud charges, suspension of benefits, long term physical consequences etc. You can't unscramble an egg.

Option A is relatively simple. Give up riding street with the exception of an E bike (As long as your license isn't suspended). Do that for five or six years, saving the $10G's+ a year you would have been paying for insurance. When your record is clear you have $50 to $60 thousand to spend on a dream ride. Enjoy track and come back a better person.

A clean record and over 25 should look like heaven compared to now.
thread is pretty much a dumpster fire of bad judgment

Yeah, this. Very much this.

OP, sell the bike while it's still got the spring value like someone else mentioned. In another month it's going to be worth $1000 less.

Once you deal with the ball of wax you've got yourself into riding dirty you're not going to be able to afford insurance on anything (much less a motorcycle of any sort) for a long, long time...and lord help you if the insurance company that is paying all your expenses as a result of the accident finds out you've been out riding again, dirty at that.

Anyhow, $10K this year might get you another summer on the SS, or it might not - when the convictions arrive on your record the insurance company might very well cancel you like a hot potato.

Sorry to be blunt, but if you want to stay on 2 wheels, look into one of those Ninja 250-ish Ebikes - it's the closest thing you're going to get until your record clears up at which point you start all over again....and buy another 250, not a SS.
Hope that warehouse job pays well and you start thinking with some common sense. Be happy you only got caught riding dirty, luckily you didn't crash and injure somebody.

With 2 tickets on top of the riding with no insurance, you have no hope of getting insured in Ontario for years unless your a millionaire. Hang up the helmet.

People like you are why insurance rates for us 21 year olds are so retardly high. You deserve everything that's coming to you
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Yeah, this. Very much this.

OP, sell the bike while it's still got the spring value like someone else mentioned. In another month it's going to be worth $1000 less.

Once you deal with the ball of wax you've got yourself into riding dirty you're not going to be able to afford insurance on anything (much less a motorcycle of any sort) for a long, long time...and lord help you if the insurance company that is paying all your expenses as a result of the accident finds out you've been out riding again, dirty at that.

Anyhow, $10K this year might get you another summer on the SS, or it might not - when the convictions arrive on your record the insurance company might very well cancel you like a hot potato.

Sorry to be blunt, but if you want to stay on 2 wheels, look into one of those Ninja 250-ish Ebikes - it's the closest thing you're going to get until your record clears up at which point you start all over again....and buy another 250, not a SS.

Or, there's always the alternative of renting a UHaul to tow it to the track. Although, renting under 25 sucks as there's usually a surcharge of $25-$100(I believe for insurance purposes).
He could still ride dirt bikes if he can find some private land to trespass on
:| can buy a really nice new bike for only one year insurance payment.
He could still ride dirt bikes if he can find some private land to trespass on
:| can buy a really nice new bike for only one year insurance payment.

Not legally. IIRC unless you own the property you need insurance.
He's not legal if he trespasses either :/ but if nobody complains then it's like the tree that fell in the woods and nobody heard it.
And he's gone. Hasn't logged in since the day he joined. I don't think he liked where the discussion was heading. Shocking really that he wasn't mature enough to face reality.
He's not legal if he trespasses either :/ but if nobody complains then it's like the tree that fell in the woods and nobody heard it.

yup, HTA dos not apply on private property
even someone else's
but the Trespass to Property Act does
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