Helmet question


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There are never any dead bugs on the back of my helmet, what gives?
Why would they be more attracted to the front than the back? If the factory bug repellent has worn off the front, can it be reapplied?
no, you can't re-apply repellant,, that would void the mfgr warrentee and weaken the helmet surface... but to lengthen the life of the helmet, you can wear it like this
this is totally awsome!
Nobody answered his question. Why aren't bugs on the back of the helmet??? ......this dude shouldn't be on the road.
this guy is jokes lol.....

hey... you should let us know when you go out riding.... i'm gonna make sure i stay the hell off the road when you're on it...
If it happens during the evening, during the summer, when the humidity great than 70% and your riding east, it's due to a phenomenon called...
I have no freakin idea....
If it happens during the evening, during the summer, when the humidity great than 70% and your riding east, it's due to a phenomenon called...
I have no freakin idea....

Its because the mosquitoes/bugs in the East are very backwards!

you should ride west more often..
only guys who ride newer goldwings have bugs on their helmets. the reverse gear is great for backtracking to get yourself unlost.
There are never any dead bugs on the back of my helmet, what gives?
Why would they be more attracted to the front than the back? If the factory bug repellent has worn off the front, can it be reapplied?

I've been asking myself that question for quite some time too mikcbr. Glad somebody finally brought light to this topic :rolleyes:
I bought some stuff from e-bay that's 98% DEET.. I used it on the front of my helmet, but it didn't work.. Due to the sticky surface, I think I got even more bugs :( I heard some rumors that drenching your helmet in cyanoacrylate while it's on your head (some chemical reaction with human sweat mumbo-jumbo) will do the trick, but I only have 1 bottle.. Gonna hit Lee Valley and get more.
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