helmet hurts after an hour | Page 4 | GTAMotorcycle.com

helmet hurts after an hour

Ride without the cheek pads to see if it cures the headache issue. Until you know the issue you can't fix it - new helmet or not.
wouldnt that cause a lot of buffeting? even without moving if i was to have the helmet and shake my head it moves a lot from side to side?
Ride without the cheek pads to see if it cures the headache issue. Until you know the issue you can't fix it - new helmet or not.
it's just a test - you don't shake your head when you ride.
The helmet is not dependent on cheek pads. It's the fit around the forehead you are concerned with here to lose the headache.

My Mag 8 is breaking in nicely- been wearing the balaclava off and on and it gets more comfortable each ride.

I'm no fan of full face at the best of times so I'm not one to think much of extensive cheek pads.

To break in a helmet I wear it for hours even around the house - with the tunes playing on the Ultimate Ears it's a nice quiet concert hall. :D
Hi Macdoc!

Thanks for all the advice... I was a bit leery to try the no cheekpads thing so I ended up contacting Kahuna (even after 2 months) explained the whole situation of the poor fit...and they were (surprisingly) accommodating! I got the same helmet but a size bigger and it seems to fit quite well!

Any advice on breaking it in? I know you said wear it around the house but would that do the job? or ride around for brief spurts again?

it's just a test - you don't shake your head when you ride.
The helmet is not dependent on cheek pads. It's the fit around the forehead you are concerned with here to lose the headache.

My Mag 8 is breaking in nicely- been wearing the balaclava off and on and it gets more comfortable each ride.

I'm no fan of full face at the best of times so I'm not one to think much of extensive cheek pads.

To break in a helmet I wear it for hours even around the house - with the tunes playing on the Ultimate Ears it's a nice quiet concert hall. :D
Hi Guys,
Got an XS Shoei which fits snug/well....up till you hit the 45-60 minute mark riding...then it just feels like my head is slowly getting crushed
Does anyone else have a problem when your helmet feels TIGHTER after some time riding?
Does it mean I should get a looser helmet? I tried the S and it felt like I already broke it in right out of the box so I was nervous it would be super loose once fully broken in...

ive seen this thread http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforu...female-helmet-question&highlight=helmet+tight
and http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforu...female-helmet-question&highlight=helmet+tight
and http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforu...elment-info-for-newbie&highlight=helmet+tight

but unlike most of the posts in the above threads my problem is that in store it fit fine..and up till I hit 45-60 it fits great...then it starts to get real painful.

I had the same problem with my helmet however after a couple weeks the issue went away. You just need to break in your helmet.

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