Headlights... learn how to operate, please.

I can accept that most drivers don't read the "Owner's Manual" therefore they may not know how their vehicle's lighting system works. What really bothers me are the people that can't figure out why I'm honking or flashing my lights at them. The worst are the drivers that get mad when I'm trying to help.
Went on a date with a girl, she drove. Didn't turn lights on because she cared about the environment and wanted to save energy... those people are out there. Also said her father told her to minimize the amount she accelerates (to save gas) so she doesn't have to use her brakes as much (to save brake pads for when you really need them), and to minimize the amount of signalling she does (to save wear and tear). I asked if she minimized steering and use of seatbelts as well. I said you could save all that by not being alive.

Oh o.k. I thought that turn signals were just expensive, but optional, on some higher end cars.
What kind of car was it?
Oh o.k. I thought that turn signals were just expensive, but optional, on some higher end cars.
What kind of car was it?

They're definitely optional on emergency vehicles. Nothing pisses me off more than a lazy ass cop who doesn't signal.
My quick rant:

If you drive a car, you should know how to operate your headlight system. Driving along in the pitch black with daytime running lights on only is dumb. If you know your lights don't work, don't drive at night with only one parking light working. You might as well wave a "stop me please, officer" flag.

And, if you do the above while intoxicated, expect to have some extra attention paid to you by the local constabulary.

This may or may not be a true story.

And if I told you I offered the drunk driver a MADD ribbon on his way out of the station... too soon?
You guys going to start pulling people over for this at some point? I see at least 20 cars a day on the road in the dark with no lights on.

How about functional brake lights? I see at least one car a day with no functioning brake lights.
They're definitely optional on emergency vehicles. Nothing pisses me off more than a lazy *** cop who doesn't signal.
So... all of them? Same with ambulances.
Not all but a good portion of them. Don't even get started on the opp and how they're allowed to speed with no lights on or having a good reason.
I saw a cop make a taxi run a red light once. That was odd.

Taxi stopped at a yellow. Cop blares the horn. Taxi runs now red light with cop following. It was also the only time I've seen a cab stop for a yellow, lol.
Went on a date with a girl, she drove. Didn't turn lights on because she cared about the environment and wanted to save energy... those people are out there. Also said her father told her to minimize the amount she accelerates (to save gas) so she doesn't have to use her brakes as much (to save brake pads for when you really need them), and to minimize the amount of signalling she does (to save wear and tear). I asked if she minimized steering and use of seatbelts as well. I said you could save all that by not being alive.

Did she have a bush? Because that would be expected due to the saving the environment thing.
You guys going to start pulling people over for this at some point? I see at least 20 cars a day on the road in the dark with no lights on.

How about functional brake lights? I see at least one car a day with no functioning brake lights.

Totally want a dash cam for this. What if I hit someone that has their tailights out. Would that be a defence?
Went on a date with a girl, she drove. Didn't turn lights on because she cared about the environment and wanted to save energy... those people are out there. Also said her father told her to minimize the amount she accelerates (to save gas) so she doesn't have to use her brakes as much (to save brake pads for when you really need them), and to minimize the amount of signalling she does (to save wear and tear). I asked if she minimized steering and use of seatbelts as well. I said you could save all that by not being alive.
I'm guessing her dad is also refraining from using his brain to avoid wear and tear on his neurons.

Seriously, though, wtf, you probably fart out more energy than the bulb in the motherf***** headlight.
Did she at least put out?

Let me guess, it's not environmentally friendly to waste human energy if it's not for reproduction?
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GM got this right. The switch has a position labelled "AUTO" (Hmmm wonder what that does!), and it's a spring-loaded default position ... you can turn the lamps off if you would like, but you have to deliberately select "OFF" each time if that's what you want.

My Chevy Venture was o.k. for headlights, but a defective brake light module was exposed to the elements, causing the brake lights to constantly fail.

They never did fix it before the line was retired. Mine is no longer on the road.

I liked the way Subaru did it. Put it in auto and the lights come on while you're driving.
The Honda only turns them on based on the ambient light.
It's partially the automakers' fault. On most modern cars there's almost no indication whether your lights are on or off. My mother's minivan has a tiny little dash light that you can't even see from the driving position that tells you. Otherwise the DRLs are almost just as bright as the full lights and the dash looks the same. Previously the DRLs were actually much dimmer than the full lights and the dash didn't light up unless the lights were on. The moment you tried to check your speed, you knew your lights weren't on. I'm not sure why that changed.
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