Only two pictures today

Tom and I met in first year of university. He was literally the first person I met, on the evening of my first day, on my way to the frosh mixer.
Like a lot of others, I was anxious to leave high school behind. High school was mostly fine for me, but I didn't really fit in with any social group. I played rugby and football, neither very well, so I knew the jocks. I was smart-ish, and in an academic French stream, so I knew the brains - though I never got their grades. I had made friends with a group of folks who liked to party, but I wasn't really ever cool or popular enough to be a part of their inner circle. I had a girlfriend at the tail end of school, but overall wasn't great with the girls.
And so my first day of school I made a promise to myself not to try and fit in any more. I wasn't going to invest so much effort into being like other people, because it hadn't gotten me very far to date. I figured that at university people would be more accepting, and that if I was just myself, I'd find my way. :norton
Outside of residence, on my way to the mixer, is Tom with a group of other people. Screwing up all my introverted courage, I introduced myself, and joined up.
That first year, Tom and I became fast friends. We didn't have a heck of a lot in common, but we had a lot of laughs. Tom was a popular guy, and I always considered myself lucky to be in a simpatico orbit. He threw killer parties, and attracted a great energy.
Long story short, in second year we drifted apart a bit, and I lost track of him when I graduated. As happens, Facebook reconnected us a couple of years ago, and our lives couldn't have turned out more different.
So on this trip, when I got the idea that I might be within 1000 kms of where he was in Edmonton, I figured "what the hell" and I sent him a message. The response I got back was polite, not overly exuberant, and so I started second guessing.
Would this just be weird?
He recommended a youth hostel which was local to his neighbourhood, the Hostels International Edmonton. My second hostel of the trip was pretty cheap at $33 for the night.
I shared a room with a 17 year old kid from the UK named Kyle. We got to chatting after a bit, and he had just decided to take a week and come see Edmonton. Apparently there was a cheap flight from London, and so there he was. I admired his approach - at 17 it would never have occurred to me to get on a plane by myself and travel so far just for the heck of it.
Tom and I were to have dinner at a place a couple of blocks away, and as I sat down at the booth with him I could tell this was going to be a good night.
The staff treated him like royalty. This guy was like Norm in Cheers - servers sat down to say hey and catch up, he was great friends with the manager... and as he was introducing me to all these people, these friends of his, it was clear that he remembered me the same way I remembered him.
And so the beers flowed. And so did the shots. And the stories.

Tom's a professional DJ, and a bit of a dinosaur for his industry in his 40's.
We hit a couple of bars, where he got the same VIP treatment, and the conversation just went all over the place.
We ended up climbing (staggering?) up a staircase to the rooftop of his apartment building. To be honest, I'm not sure how I didn't fall to my death on the way up, and then again on the way down.
It was just ... good. We all have these moments in time that we freeze and keep with us, and for the most part it's not a good idea to re-live these tidbits. They inevitably end up disappointing us.
This was not that - it was 2 old friends, picking up exactly where we left off. And in all the amazingness that is this trip, reconnecting so completely with an old friend was possibly the best part.
I've talked before about how tiring this trip was, how it seemed to be mileage day after day, but Edmonton totally recharged me. I wish I had taken more pictures, but I was so in the moment that it didn't occur to me to take more pictures.
I was so hammered by the end of the night that the pictures would have been crap anyway.