He`s getting deported, will you be next ?


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looking at this story, i cant help but wonder where it can or will end.

if the Powers that be can deport you for belonging to to an illgeal club, does this mean that `other ` clubs face the same type of jeopardy ?

will Non-registered Bridge Clubs, or Walking Clubs, or Radio-controlled Airplane club members be under the same watchfull eye ?

I find it odd, that we ( Canada ) will allow people to illegally enter or borders on human trafficking ships from Sri Lanka , house them and feed them for a year, and help them find jobs and also give them healthcare and anything else they might need

But kick out a guy who's lived here for 40 years who's paid his taxes, who doesnt even have a criminal record ?

I think I`d rather have this guy in my country than any of these boat people that show up uninvited.

and before anyone starts shouting the racism crap, I`d say the exact same thing if it were a boatload of people from Sweden, Germany, New Zealand, or anywhere else in the world.

maybe the Country wouldnt be in such debt, if it wasnt too busy giving free handouts to these people.
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He's not a Canadian citizen, he failed (or his parents did for him) to obtain citizenship.

He was found to have ties to organized crime.

why is this a problem?
Kick out the boat people who become members of criminal or terrorist-funding organizations too. Oh wait, we do that already! This guy can join them.

looking at this story, i cant help but wonder where it can or will end.

if the Powers that be can deport you for belonging to to an illgeal club, does this mean that `other ` clubs face the same type of jeopardy ?

will Non-registered Bridge Clubs, or Walking Clubs, or Radio-controlled Airplane club members be under the same watchfull eye ?

I find it odd, that we ( Canada ) will allow people to illegally enter or borders on human trafficking ships from Sri Lanka , house them and feed them for a year, and help them find jobs and also give them healthcare and anything else they might need

But kick out a guy who's lived here for 40 years who's paid his taxes, who doesnt even have a criminal record ?

I think I`d rather have this guy in my country than any of these boat people that show up uninvited.

and before anyone starts shouting the racism crap, I`d say the exact same thing if it were a boatload of people from Sweden, Germany, New Zealand, or anywhere else in the world.

maybe the Country wouldnt be in such debt, if it wasnt too busy giving free handouts to these people.

You honestly think that Canada should not have the ability to deport someone for being in a criminal organization?

It's funny that you make this guy to be some kinda regular joe caught up in the justice system through no fault of his own.
It's also funny that you equate the Hell's Angels, one of the big players in the drug trade in North America, to a bridge club.

Of all the real injustice in the world, this is the guy you want to defend? learn some priorities.
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To answer your question,no i won't be next.I don't belong to an organization funded by prostitution and drug trafficking.
lets deport OP lol

lol. i wouldnt mind a free trip to Scotland.

the point here is.. they deny the guy citizenship, based on the grounds that he's part of a gang. if thats the case, arrest him. but belonging to the group isnt a crime.

yet we still let other countries criminals enter our country, and bend over backwards to help them.

we protect criminals from deportation to other countries for crimes they have commited, and kick out people who havent commited a crime.

it just seems that out gov't wants to help out illegal refugees more than our own citizens.
My family came to Canada in 1650, too late to deport, hah.

No sympathy, he had 30 years to become a citizen, that's well beyond procrastination.
The biggest problem in this thread, is the responses from people that watch too many biker shows on tv and believe the "one day only" articles the media prints.
There have been more cops charged with crimes than any club lately.
According to the same laws, the police dept should be labelled a criminal organization.
In fact, there are worse criminals on this site. Guns, drugs, stolen bikes, fraudulent charities and old perverts.

and btw > http://www.thespec.com/news/ontario/article/536155--hells-angels-beat-organized-crime-charges
the point here is.. they deny the guy citizenship, based on the grounds that he's part of a gang. if thats the case, arrest him. but belonging to the group isnt a crime.


I think you're missing the point here, Yetti. He's part of an "illegal" group. I repeat for emphasis, ILLEGAL.

My family came to Canada in 1650, too late to deport, hah.

No sympathy, he had 30 years to become a citizen, that's well beyond procrastination.

Is your family from 1650 still alive?
Check out anti gang legislation in Canada:


"Participation in a criminal organization" offence: The cornerstone of the package, this measure makes it an indictable offence for a person to participate in or substantially contribute to the activities of a criminal organization, knowing that any or all of its members engage in or have engaged in a series of indictable offences within the proceeding five years and if that person is a party to the commission of an indictable offence for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with the criminal organization.
This offence is punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

They could possibly charge him, but he claims to no longer be an active member. He most likely will claim to not be active with the club since the bill was passed. Deportation sounds a lot better than 14 years in a federal prison.
Marks actual a decent guy. Too bad. Haven't see him in years but he was decent then. Anyway, live by the sword die by the sword
I don't see the complaint. Dude has ties to a known criminal organization (it's not simply a "club"). Canada is under no obligation to accept him as a citizen. And since he's been rejected, GTFO.

FYI - refugee claimants go through their own process too. If their claims of torture/imminent death/etc prove to be unfounded, then they get deported as well. If you want to argue that this system is slow, overly-bureacratic and broken, go ahead (supposedly the current govt is overhauling it). But this comparison is just silly.
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I am curious as to your assertion that he hasn't committed a crime, because as far as I can read, that is completely false.
Check out anti gang legislation in Canada:


"Participation in a criminal organization" offence: The cornerstone of the package, this measure makes it an indictable offence for a person to participate in or substantially contribute to the activities of a criminal organization, knowing that any or all of its members engage in or have engaged in a series of indictable offences within the proceeding five years and if that person is a party to the commission of an indictable offence for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with the criminal organization.
This offence is punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

They could possibly charge him, but he claims to no longer be an active member. He most likely will claim to not be active with the club since the bill was passed. Deportation sounds a lot better than 14 years in a federal prison.

He hasn`t committed any crimes, nor is he a criminal, as per the Ontario legal system. http://www.thespec.com/news/ontario/article/536155--hells-angels-beat-organized-crime-charges

And yes, Mark is a decent guy indeed. He hasn`t done anything wrong, he`s a victim of targeting and discrimination. http://mechamma.com/2011/07/09/mark-stables-brazilian-jiu-jitsu/
He hasn`t committed any crimes, nor is he a criminal, as per the Ontario legal system. http://www.thespec.com/news/ontario/article/536155--hells-angels-beat-organized-crime-charges

And yes, Mark is a decent guy indeed. He hasn`t done anything wrong, he`s a victim of targeting and discrimination. http://mechamma.com/2011/07/09/mark-stables-brazilian-jiu-jitsu/

As per the above, he doesn't really have anything to be too concerned about. He can appeal the deportation order, his lawyer will make a few bucks keeping him on Canadian soil till he has his day in court.

At a point in life he missed the detail of becoming a Canadian citizen and this will be the loophole that will be used in the crowns case. The HA should have had a better HR dept for senior staff.
I am somewhat torn on the matter here. Yes, he has no record, but he was the treasurer of 10 chapters of the Hells Angels. This is no boy scout organization, he would have knowledge of many many illegal activities going on. Nice guy or not, he was involved with some very shady things. The other side, he has no record, so unless just being in the gang is against the law, he should not be deported because of what is "thought" he did, no matter how obvious it is, it needs evidence and proof.

Nice guys can do bad things, or get mixed up in the wrong sort of things. I would have serious concerns with someone that involved with the Hells Angels. And like the article said, he has no exit date tat, so are they saying thats proof he is still in the gang?
As per the above, he doesn't really have anything to be too concerned about. He can appeal the deportation order, his lawyer will make a few bucks keeping him on Canadian soil till he has his day in court.

At a point in life he missed the detail of becoming a Canadian citizen and this will be the loophole that will be used in the crowns case. The HA should have had a better HR dept for senior staff.

Mark was deported, and he isn't allowed back to Canada, not even to visit.

I am somewhat torn on the matter here. Yes, he has no record, but he was the treasurer of 10 chapters of the Hells Angels. This is no boy scout organization, he would have knowledge of many many illegal activities going on. Nice guy or not, he was involved with some very shady things. The other side, he has no record, so unless just being in the gang is against the law, he should not be deported because of what is "thought" he did, no matter how obvious it is, it needs evidence and proof.

Nice guys can do bad things, or get mixed up in the wrong sort of things. I would have serious concerns with someone that involved with the Hells Angels. And like the article said, he has no exit date tat, so are they saying thats proof he is still in the gang?

Where did you get all this fabulous biker knowledge? The Toronto sun?
You know nothing about motorcycle CLUBS , sit down please and keep wondering.
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