HD's LiveWire

95 miles hwy/city combined and only 70 miles hwy only is not too great. Less than an hour to charge is only if you have the special fast charger. Sounds like a big investment considering bike alone costs 30k usd. But it is the future ... Hopefully fast chargers become universal so we only need to install them once, when the time comes.
95 miles hwy/city combined and only 70 miles hwy only is not too great. Less than an hour to charge is only if you have the special fast charger. Sounds like a big investment considering bike alone costs 30k usd. But it is the future ... Hopefully fast chargers become universal so we only need to install them once, when the time comes.

Guessing some smart person will come out with an aftermarket fast charger for 1/3 the price.
Problem with electric bikes is they suffer greatly on the highway due to wind resistance. Anyone who commutes on a highway is going to be SOL on range unless they have a charging setup at work.
Problem with electric bikes is they suffer greatly on the highway due to wind resistance. Anyone who commutes on a highway is going to be SOL on range unless they have a charging setup at work.
Yeah that explains the range drop from 146 in the city to 70 miles on the highway. Less than half.
Yeah that explains the range drop from 146 in the city to 70 miles on the highway. Less than half.
You also have to account for the effect of regenerative braking -- virtually zero energy returned to the battery on the highway, lots returned in city driving.
Problem with electric bikes is they suffer greatly on the highway due to wind resistance. Anyone who commutes on a highway is going to be SOL on range unless they have a charging setup at work.

It's a long commute if you're doing more than 140 miles (226km) a day. It's true the faster an electric spins the less power it has, but the reviewer says the LiveWire was good for 100mph, so 70mph on the 400 series highways should be comfortable. I would have to test one out, possibly renting one for awhile to see if it's practical.
It's a long commute if you're doing more than 140 miles (226km) a day. It's true the faster an electric spins the less power it has, but the reviewer says the LiveWire was good for 100mph, so 70mph on the 400 series highways should be comfortable. I would have to test one out, possibly renting one for awhile to see if it's practical.
I don't think hwy comfort is the issue. .Your range tanks and you won't get 140 miles out of it. Half that, maybe less.
I don't think hwy comfort is the issue. .Your range tanks and you won't get 140 miles out of it. Half that, maybe less.

Yes, agree. The devil is in the details. Too early to tell, and we don't really hear from Zero owners either.
Yes, agree. The devil is in the details. Too early to tell, and we don't really hear from Zero owners either.
@anterabae owns a zero, ask her. She zips around on streets everywhere.
Yes, agree. The devil is in the details. Too early to tell, and we don't really hear from Zero owners either.
I heard my name! You hear from us when you ask (and then you may wish you hadn't coz we might not shut up ). Anything in particular you want to know?

Sent from my HTC U11 using Tapatalk
As anyone here knows I'm a big EV proponent. We own 2.

But I wouldn't buy one of these. The range just isn't there - probably 80% of my rides exceed it's range..and fast charging is fine and all, but they're not plentiful at this point. For example, heading east out of Oshawa to Montreal (for example) the first fast charger is Belleville. You wouldn't make it unless you took something other than the 401 to get there. From Kingston to the next one in Prescott is 105KM - again, you MIGHT make it if you took the 401, but you'd probably have to take the backroads at lower speeds.

Not for me. It would work for the Hortons Choice riders I guess - no problem getting to you nearest Timmies and posing in the parking lot all day.

It's also not really efficient. It has a 15KW battery and only goes 113KM on the highway? Our Ioniq has a 28KWH battery pack and will do ~200KM on the highway..and it's a full sized 4 door CAR.

Guessing some smart person will come out with an aftermarket fast charger for 1/3 the price.

It uses the "Level 3" SAE DCFC standard for fast charging. That's not a sort of charger you'd have at home as they are tens of thousands of dollars and require a LOT of AC power (upwards of 400 Amps alone just for the station) to run them. In short, these are only in use in public charging locations.

The much more standard "Level 2" chargers are far more common - thousands of them across the province. I have 2 in my driveway. They are drastically cheaper but are comparatively slower - a full charge for the Livewire on Level2@6.6kw would be a little over 2 hours.

An hour to charge on what type of charger? Does that come with it?

As mentioned above DCFC is typically commercial installations only.

The charger it comes with is likely a "Level 1" - plugs into a standard 120V receptacle, so anywhere you have a plug, you can charge. Problem is, it's really slow - you get about 1.2kwh in the battery every hour you plug into a 120v plug, so one only need to do the math on a 15kwh battery to see that you're looking at 12.5 hours roughly to charge up. Fine once you're home, or if you're parked at a hotel for a night or something, but not practical for road trips where time is important.
Not for me. It would work for the Hortons Choice riders I guess - no problem getting to you nearest Timmies and posing in the parking lot all day.
Maybe you just found the solution for HD. First get the HC Riders on board as they can get to their destination and back on a 100km charge. Then partner with Tim Horton's to install fast chargers in their parking lots.

Another thing, I remember sitting on the roadshow unit a while back, it had a vroom-vroom speaker that made noise as you twisted the throttle. Have the pipe benders (Cobra, V&H etc) announced high powered bolt on noise for the Livewire?
Harley has been setting up their level 3 charge network between dealerships before taking delivery of the livewire. This pic is Rocky's in London, think it was a month ago I took pic. Apparently the level 3 chargers for the bike are the same as for cars so can bypass a HD shop for a car charger if you know where they can be found.

The L3 system HD is using is indeed a standard called CCS.

And yes, cars like our Ioniq use it as well, so we could fast charge there.

The question is how many kilowatts is it – that’s a small station for CCS so I suspect it is a significantly lower kilowatt rating versus the stations you would find for vehicle charging that typically have around 50 kW minimum.

I doubt the Livewire can charge at 50kw, so they likely scaled down the CCS unite at the HD dealers to cater to what may be a 10-20kw rating they can actually accept. Any more would technically be a waste.

So yeah, a car could still use it (and I see what looks like a Chargepoint logo, so anyone with the app should be able to activate it) but it may actually not be very “fast” comparatively in the end.

Faster than 6.6kw L2, sure, but there’s no way with that small wiring it’s a 50kw station.
Harley has been setting up their level 3 charge network between dealerships before taking delivery of the livewire. This pic is Rocky's in London, think it was a month ago I took pic. Apparently the level 3 chargers for the bike are the same as for cars so can bypass a HD shop for a car charger if you know where they can be found.

I can't see your image again, but it looks like PP can. Interesting. Where are the images hosted?
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