I have a hard time understanding where you're coming from on this. The media, in general and in this case, jump at hot button topics with little to no evidence to back it up. Because they added a few quotes stating they're not sure why the attack happened doesn't negate the fact the the headline read Muslin Woman Attacked with "this is the x number of violent crimes against visible minorities this month" right below.
They then went out of their way to interview a muslim activist who said all the predictable things.... yet you see none of this as poor journalistic practice? And where do you think the story originated? The media, it seems, were given the story by police in an effort to find this angry "white woman" who attacked for "no reason whatsoever".. what do you think the police were leaning towards? And at least one politician out right called it a racially motivated attack. Poll 100 random people and I bet most will recall a hate crime. All of this didn't just happen by itself.
You said it yourself last page I think... If it wasn't a hate crime it wouldn't be news worthy; I agree, particularly not nationally. Yet there it was based on what? A presumption as best I can tell. Youre good with that? What if the original story came from the rebel or any other alt media source.. still feel the same?
If this lady is convicted of a hate crime it should pop up; but I'm not holding my breath. Speaking of, outta steam on this and won't be posting back until there's actual news to be discussed.
Edit: I'm going to ask a cop on the charge stuff as I know a couple; or maybe one of the residents can reply